Monday, November 26, 2012

(almost) 16 weeks

Really, I'm not sure what to write about since I just posted on Thursday. But I want to keep up the habit of writing at least once a week.

Either yesterday or today I learned that Rob knows all of Xavier's cries. He was fussing and I didn't know what was wrong, Rob would answer "It's _____" and then he went on to describe his other cries. And he is right every time. I'm impressed, and also sad. I feel like being the mom I should know my child's cries better than anyone. And yes, I probably could pick out his cry or coos out of a "lineup," but what the cry means, that isn't as easily determined for me.

Last night I was measuring Xavier for some custom diaper covers I'm going to get him (no, nothing super fancy, I just want some wool covers as they're naturally waterproof yet still able to breathe so hopefully to reduce the night time redness) and I decided to go ahead and measure his length as well. According to my quick measurement, he's 24", so he's grown about 4" in about 4 months! Such a big boy! And I'm sure he's doubled his birth weight, though I haven't weighed him in a couple weeks.

He also can roll from back to front and front to back. His amber necklace hasn't arrived yet so still not sure about if it'll help with the fussiness and teething discomfort.

And I guess that's our update for the week! On to a few pictures.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

15 weeks

My poor boy is losing his hair! Everyone keeps telling me "don't worry. It's normal for them to lose their hair. It'll grow back." I understand and know and even expected him to lose his hair, but it's still sad to see it happen and I feel a little responsible. He's got a case of cradle cap so I've been putting cradle cap oil treatment on his head and combing to loosen the flakes and comb them out, but also end up getting a lot of hair. He doesn't seem bothered by either the flakes or the hair loss. But it just looks so sad. My once full head of hair baby is now all wispy.

Also, poor thing, is teething. Normally he's happy and smiley all the time, but lately there are some times that he is just uncharacteristically fussy. And he has been biting down when he sticks my finger in his mouth or other things. I, being the "hippy" that I am, have ordered him an amber teething necklace. Some may say it's hokey, and that any effect it has is just placebo for the parents, but I'll take it. If there is any chance that it will help him, I welcome it.

For those not "in the loop" Baltic Amber supposedly will release oils into the skin that helps with pains. For babies, teething is primarily for what it's used. In adults arthritis is a common ailment. I've also read about people using it for headaches or any aches and pains. I also ordered a necklace to wrap around my ankle a couple times because it still hurts from when I sprained it before Xavier was born. I'll update once they arrive if they seem to help at all. :)

Also, Xavier is getting to be such a big boy we had to move his straps on his carseat to the last holes and remove the newborn head support. We're hoping to get a new set of carseats for Christmas because he'll have outgrown his current one by weight very soon!

Today being Thanksgiving I am thinking about how thankful that we did not give up trying or give up hope of having a child. And thinking about how amazing it is that we have such a beautiful, smart, generally happy 3 1/2 month old baby boy. He really has blessed our lives even more than I had ever dreamed. I am also thankful that I have been able to achieve my goal of exclusively breastfeeding and even had a surplus of milk that I was able to donate to feed a baby in need for about a week.

And now on to the pictures.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

14 weeks

As promised, this post is going to be a LOT of pictures.

In news, I think we're beginning teething. He's been fussier than usual and hardly eating and when he grabs my hand he bites down and chews on my finger instead of sucking on it.

I weighed him on Sunday and he was about 15lbs! We're growing well!

Because, as per usual, I can't think of much to say and we do have a fussy baby on our hands, here's the pictures.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

13 weeks, 3 months!!

This is just a quick "I'm so sorry". We have been battling colds and I just have not had a free moment to make an actual post. Xavier got over his cold quickly. I'm practically better. Rob is still sick.

Xavier has rolled over a couple of times. His 3 month photo shoot went very well. He is such a good baby. I can't believe he's already 3 months old.

I'm posting via my phone so no pictures again. Do sorry!! I'm hoping next week I can do a real post with pictures.

Friday, November 2, 2012

12 weeks

Wow! Can you believe it?! Xavier is 12 weeks old! He has his 3 month photo shoot on Sunday. I can't believe it.

I started this post on Monday, and it had been a rough day though which is why the post is going up so late.