Saturday, May 25, 2013

9 months, 2 weeks?

Another week down. More cuteness abounds.

Xavier and I are still working on getting over a cold. He's a bit farther than I am. He's just got a little bit of a cough/rattle left where as I'm still seriously congested and have a little bit of a cough.

His 9 month appointment was this week! Stats for anyone interested:

24.3 lbs
29.75" long
18.5" head circumfrence.

I had Rob ask about Xavier's aversion to food and bottles and the doctor said that's perfectly normal. He just knows what he likes and it's only an issue after the 1 year mark.

He handled his shots really well. He fell asleep waiting and then woke up for just a second when the shot was being administered, and immediately fell back asleep. I am so proud of my baby! Takes shots like a champ!

He is really getting into climbing. I took a video last night of him trying to climb up the couch to get to Zelda.

And on to pictures!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

40 weeks

It's weird now saying 40 weeks because that's "goal" with pregnancy. Really need to think of better titles...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

week 39, beginning of month 9!

So, my baby is now 9 months old. He is a chatty, funny, happy little boy. He's still not interested in food, though we try. It is funny yet frustrating the way he closes his little eyes and turns away.

I have not been able to successfully get his "9 month" picture that I take, though his "official" 9 month pictures are adorable. When I get them uploaded to a computer I'll try to post some.

No real updates about anything. Just a couple pictures.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

37 & 38

Oh. my. gosh. I started this post... oh... at the beginning of the week. I don't remember exactly when it was, but a long time ago.