Saturday, May 4, 2013

37 & 38

Oh. my. gosh. I started this post... oh... at the beginning of the week. I don't remember exactly when it was, but a long time ago.

Xavier has been going through separation anxiety as I think I mentioned in the last post. Consequently, whenever I'm home, he wants to be held or me to pay attention to him. Which means that I have not had time to even think about posting. I uploaded pictures from my phone to the Blogger app, but then was not able to take the time to POST.

Some of the sweet new things that Xavier has started doing are kisses. You know those sweet open mouth slobbery baby kisses. He just leans in and touches his mouth to your cheek or chest or knee or whatever is handy. It's the sweetest thing.

When I originally started this post I had recently weighed him and he was exactly 23lbs. This means it's about time to size up in clothes and diapers! Diapers I had thought about for a while just because we're starting to get to the awkward gapping because they're not quite big enough stage. Last night I finally started to go through his 18 month clothes (!) and discovered that even though I thought we were pretty good on them, we actually have exactly 5 shirts and 5 shorts and 1 romper. So I'll be getting some clothes from a friend who has a little boy about a year older than Xavier and we may need to look for some more rompers.

Daycare continues to struggle with getting him to take a bottle. However they have been more successful with getting him to take baby food. So I send his normal bottles and a jar of baby food. I would worry, but it's only 2 days a week and he's obviously not malnourished. Especially since when I get home we nurse a lot.

Still not interested in foods. We try, but not with a lot of success.

Well, here's to some pictures!

I absolutely LOVE THIS PICTURE. The violets, the bright green grass. The cute smile and mohawk. CUTE.

Trying out a grape in the self feeder. It actually went better than I thought it would.

Xavier chasing after Zelda.

Checking out our new duffle bag. It's pretty big!

Oh to be flexible like a baby. Before this picture he had both feet up by his chest. Afterwards he had his toes in his mouth!
My birthday! Complete with drawing by Rob.

More chasing Zelda and escaping!

Loving playing with the bottles

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