Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

33 weeks!

What a week! Started out with pelvic pain from having fallen asleep on the couch sitting upright. Moved on to the excitement of my nephew being born and realizing just how close we are getting!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

32w Picture

Actually took this picture Saturday night ,so it was 31weeks 6 days, but close enough to 32 weeks. ;)

32 weeks

Another week down. This week was exciting because of the baby shower yesterday. I was very blessed. I appreciate everyone who either attended or sent something, even just well wishes. It all meant a lot. :)

Not a whole lot to say about the week other than that I suppose. Plans for this week is on Wednesday I'm going to go to a different pediatrician, probably just go by myself since Rob seems fine with staying with the one we saw this past Wednesday and since I figure he's the worst we could have possibly seen, anything that I like surely is going to be fine with him. :-p

I also plan on going to the two "top picks" for daycare and see what their cost estimate is and if they have any chance at all that they'll have availability in October. I just don't even know how to go about trying to see about a "nanny" and honestly, I'm afraid that a "nanny" will be just as expensive if not moreso than daycare.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June appt

Appointment went well. Had another ultrasound, but Xavier was sleeping so nothing terribly interesting to watch or see happening. Fluid is still high so they want to do another one next appointment. It was either that or start me on the high risk monitoring EVERY WEEK instead of letting me continue to come in every other week. They didn't give me measurements or any information really other than the fluid was still high. They finally explained why it COULD be a problem for my fluid to still be high. If my water should break on its own, then the cord could rush out first and then get pinched by the baby's head which would cut off his oxygen supply and be bad. It was nice to finally have an explanation as to why it's "bad" since everything else came back good. 

My blood pressure was "excellent" they said. I still gained 2 lbs even with exercising and really watching my calories. The midwife I saw today didn't say anything about my weight gain other than it seemed fine.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

31 weeks

Sorry this is late going up. I'm so tired lately. I just hadn't gotten around to it.

So, let's get to it!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Week 30 picture

To be honest, I'm not sure which of these pictures were originally in the blog. The first one was taken on 06/03 which is exactly 30 weeks. The 2nd was taken on 06/04 which was a day before the original post was made.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

30 Weeks!

Wow! 30 weeks, which means "approximately" 10 weeks to go! That's crazy!

This weekend was another busy weekend baby related, however good stuff.