Wednesday, January 30, 2013

25 weeks

So close to being 6 months. I can't believe he's already nearly half a year old!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

23 weeks

At what point should I start finding real titles instead of weeks? 6 months? 1 year?

Any way... Again... A place holder. Sorry! Will update with pictures soon!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

22 weeks, 5 months

We had another big trip this past weekend! We drove up to Ohio and saw some of Rob's family and saw my friend Al. It was a long drive, but Xavier did really well. He slept a good portion of the way and back. We went ahead and brought two bottles (one for the way up and one for the way back) so that we wouldn't have to stop to nurse as much. And it worked. We did have one stop on the way up to feed him but that was it. 

He's starting to sit up and MOVE a lot. He is very adept at rolling and gets from point A to point B pretty easily. And night before last I saw Baby Push-ups!! He was getting VERY close to being on all fours. 

Today he had his "4 month" check up (which was graciously delayed due to insurance issues last year) and had some shots. His official stats are: