Wednesday, January 23, 2013

24 weeks

Another week down, another week older.

Xavier is starting to become more and more a mamma's boy. Monday night I had run to the store to get some things for dinner and for this week while Xavier took a nap. I came home right as he was waking up. He gave me the biggest smile when he saw me. I still had to put the groceries away and so I was out of his sight. He started to whimper and fuss and I thought it was due to needing a diaper change since it had been a while. I came back in the room just as Rob was carrying him towards the stairs. He smiled and then started to frown and fuss again when he realized that Rob was carrying him away from me. As soon as Rob handed him to me, he stopped crying.

Same thing happened last night. I came home from work and he gave me the most excited, happiest smiles and laughs. When I would go out of his sight, he would start fussing. I come back and he's all giggles again. True, he did nurse for a good while, so he may have been hungry. But then again, I have noticed even when he doesn't have an interest in nursing, he does seem to love to snuggle or be held by me. 

Rob also has noticed that when Xavier is really upset he does his "mum mum mum" noise more so he's wondering if Xavier has associated that noise with me, being "mommy" and when he's upset he is asking for me because he knows that "mommy will fix it."

Monday we went to the Cookeville Children's Museum with some other moms and kids. There wasn't a lot that Xavier could really do yet, as he doesn't really crawl or even sit unassisted very well, but he enjoyed looking around at everything. On a whim, one of the other moms who's baby had just turned a year not that long ago, laid her son next to Xavier to compare their sizes. The two were the same size, just Xavier was a little shorter! I was reassured by several of the moms that their kids shot up really fast then around 6 months their growth slowed down and they stayed in 12 month clothes much longer.

Xavier's trying to crawl. I thought he would be before he turns 6 months, but I'm not sure anymore. I guess we have about 2 or 3 weeks, so it could happen. He gets up on his toes and pushes but he hasn't figured out moving his arms yet.

I noticed last night that he seems to have found his feet. Very cute. 

Sorry for the fragmented nature. I'm trying to write a little between going to check on him. But I think this is pretty much everything I was going to write about. We're doing great! Very happy and just a great kid!


Just hanging out. 

Xavier was playing with the empty basket after I finished folding and putting away his diapers. I know that it's light, but I was still impressed at his ability to move the basket that was same size as him.

Wearing his new hat I got him and being SUPER excited that I came home from work.

When I came home on this day this is what I found. :)

This is what I've been watching while trying to type this up! What do you think? Crawling by 6 months?  

He saw me snapping the picture and laughed 

This was the first day I thought he would be crawling by 6 months.We were playing in his room after I finished putting away diapers and this is what he was doing.

Yesterday when I was putting my shoes on getting ready to take Xavier to daycare he was just grinning at me and looking so cute.

This is a shot of him sitting. Awkward angle was because I was trying to be there in case he tipped over. haha

 Took this one right afterwards and he was doing pretty well!

Sometimes when he sleeps he looks older. To me he doesn't look like a baby in this picture. He looks like a little boy. Yes, he's in a "baby" chair, but this chair also goes to toddler age. He's just getting so big.

And cute Daddy cuddles.

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