Wednesday, January 9, 2013

22 weeks, 5 months

We had another big trip this past weekend! We drove up to Ohio and saw some of Rob's family and saw my friend Al. It was a long drive, but Xavier did really well. He slept a good portion of the way and back. We went ahead and brought two bottles (one for the way up and one for the way back) so that we wouldn't have to stop to nurse as much. And it worked. We did have one stop on the way up to feed him but that was it. 

He's starting to sit up and MOVE a lot. He is very adept at rolling and gets from point A to point B pretty easily. And night before last I saw Baby Push-ups!! He was getting VERY close to being on all fours. 

Today he had his "4 month" check up (which was graciously delayed due to insurance issues last year) and had some shots. His official stats are:

18lbs 15oz, 25 1/4 long and 17.5 head circumference. My dr office doesn't give percentiles. He said that he had some good growth and "You make some good milk!"
After the physical exam the doctor said "Enjoy the snot out of him. They don't get any cuter or healthier than him." *beams with pride*
Then Xavier cried when he had his shots but IMMEDIATELY afterwards, while the bandaids were being put on him he LAUGHED! Best. Baby. Ever!

I did look up growth percentiles just because people always ask. So here's what I found on the babycenter website.
Length = between percentile 10 and 25 
Weight = between percentile 75 and 90 
Head Circumference = between percentile 75 and 90

He does have some contact dermatitis in his diaper region which we will have to try to figure out what is causing it since he gets it with any diaper we put on him be it cloth or disposable. And he doesn't break out anywhere else even though we use the same detergent for everything. So after a lot of "what about this" we finally decided that it might be his diaper rash ointment. Might be sensitive to either the fragrance or the lanolin in the CJ's that we use, even though we use it the same all the time and it comes and goes.

The other day, Rob mentioned to me that while Xavier and I were napping, he looked like a little boy and not like a baby. I also have noticed that sometimes. Especially when he's sleeping for some reason. But his face just looks so much OLDER than he actually is. :( But, that just means that he's growing, which is good and important. It's just going so fast. And yes, everyone told me it would and I knew it would because life has been flying by lately.

So, anyway, things are good!

My house may be a wreck, but I have a healthy, happy, wonderful baby and that's all that really truly matters.


I'm going to use this as his 5 month picture, even though it was a few days later. 

This was on his actual 5 month "birthday" I was just trying to show how 6 - 9 month clothes are skin tight on the poor fella. 

LOL this was when I was TRYING to take 5 month pictures but the flash caused him to make funny faces and be washed out and without a flash it was too dark. 

A hat I found in a bag of clothes. I THINK it was Tabathia that gave it to us, but I could be wrong. Whoever it was, thank you! We love it!

Napping in the hotel room after a long day of shopping.

Baby push-ups! Cloud would NOT get out of the way though. But it's OK because he was making Xavier smile.

Truer words could not have been put on a onesie for this little guy. He's DEFINITELY worth the wait we had for him. 

When we got this thing for him, he could just BARELY touch toes on the bottom. I've now seen him push against it and make the "floor" move. He's getting so BIG!

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