Saturday, September 14, 2013

13 months week 2

Not much to talk about. He has been approved to start transition to 1 year old room starting next week. So that's pretty big. I guess his progress with food has been paying off. Which brings me to say that we have a new favorite snack. Veggie Straws. They're made out of mostly potato puree and then baked crispy. I like them, Xavier likes them, it's all good. When I have a bowl of them and am snacking on them he will come along and take some. Which is pretty big!

Biggest fights now are taking his iron supplement and brushing teeth and biting! Not biting while nursing. Just biting in general. I get that he's probably teething and he needs relief which is why I try to provide an acceptable alternative when he does it, but it still hurts.

I have said it before but I'll say it again. I'm really worried about his teeth. I try so hard. But his teeth are just getting worse and worse. I hope hope hope that when he is no longer on iron his teeth will go back to "normal" looking, but I'm terrified that it might not be until he gets his new adult teeth in. :(

Today is my last Saturday working (unless someone needs a trade). I'll still try to get a post up probably around Saturday anyway though.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

13 months ;)

Rob's server had an issue so this is going to be the only location for the blog from here on out.

Sorry for the lack of post last week. We were chilling in Cincinatti!