Friday, September 27, 2013

13 months week 4?

Another week in the books.

This week the big news was illness! I may have alluded to Xavier being sick last week and he was just puking randomly. Sunday I started the day feeling a little sick, but decided to try walking the Susan G Komen 5k anyway. I did the whole thing in just over an hour, but afterward I was SICK. So I think that it was a combination whatever Xavier and Rob had and possibly sun poisoning.

Anyway, we are both all better now.

Biggest frustration this week was issues with Daycare still. The director called me on Tuesday and said that what's holding Xavier back from going to the 1 year old's room was the fact that he's still not on whole milk. I explained his doctor had instructed him to stay on breastmilk. She said "I need a note." I said "I gave you one over a month ago." I had made a point to get the letter before he turned 1 so there wouldn't be an issue after he turned 1. She said she'd have to check with the State to see if that would be allowed. She checked and told me that he can but I'll have to provide it in our own cups and everything. That's not a problem. Obviously I send his milk fresh every day. So I can put it in a cup instead of a bottle. Not a problem. She said I need a new note though because the old one was from July. Really? REALLY?! It's "so old" because you told me you HAD to put him on whole milk at 1 year.

Anyway... whatever. Either he'll just have to continue to stay in the baby room or they'll have to realize that a note saying "Please continue breastmilk past 12 months" written 2 weeks before his birthday isn't terribly out of date.

I don't remember what this picture was about. but... I took it and kept it on my phone so I must have meant to post it. I think it was just I found it funny how he was OBSESSED with that Purell bottle and carried it everywhere.

Opening an envelope he found somewhere.

He LOVES this starfish bath toy. It's just a little cup. Doesn't have anything special I can see. But he loves it.

Even nurses with it.

And had to take it to the grocery store.

Ready to walk the 5k.

Got a new truck from Grandma Anna. He likes it a lot. Especially the white crane part.
And Xavier's new trick. Flipping up the couch cushions. On Sunday I think it was he had flipped up all the cushions when Rob came home (because I asked him to because I was sick) it was very confusing. I was laying on the floor so the cushions were all accessible. Anyway, this picture was taken last night.

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