Sunday, December 30, 2012

(almost) 21 weeks!

As per usual, I will post a BUNCH of pictures since I didn't do pictures last week. Just going to try to get a post in real fast while Xavier is occupied and happy.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

20 weeks

Again this is a place filler. With Christmas I'm sure you understand how busy things have been. Hope to have a bigger post with pictures next week.

Monday, December 17, 2012

19 weeks

Trying to get a quick post in while wee man is sleeping. Fingers crossed I get everything in I want to before he wakes up!

So, we've had a big week, couple weeks? Something like that.

Monday, December 10, 2012

18 weeks

Wait, what? Another week has passed?!

I honestly have not had a chance to sit down and write a proper post. This is really only going to be a place filler to remind me what week we are in. I can't remember what I was doing on Monday that caused me to not be able to post, but it happened. So, terribly sorry, but no pictures right now.

Biggest news is yesterday Xavier's right bottom center tooth popped through!

Hopefully will write soon!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

17 Weeks (almost) 4 months!

Tomorrow my baby boy is 4 months old. I can't believe how time is flying. It's also almost his first Christmas. He is such a cheerful happy baby. Even when he doesn't feel well and he fusses because of it, you can tell he doesn't want to be fussing. He wants to be happy.

Monday, November 26, 2012

(almost) 16 weeks

Really, I'm not sure what to write about since I just posted on Thursday. But I want to keep up the habit of writing at least once a week.

Either yesterday or today I learned that Rob knows all of Xavier's cries. He was fussing and I didn't know what was wrong, Rob would answer "It's _____" and then he went on to describe his other cries. And he is right every time. I'm impressed, and also sad. I feel like being the mom I should know my child's cries better than anyone. And yes, I probably could pick out his cry or coos out of a "lineup," but what the cry means, that isn't as easily determined for me.

Last night I was measuring Xavier for some custom diaper covers I'm going to get him (no, nothing super fancy, I just want some wool covers as they're naturally waterproof yet still able to breathe so hopefully to reduce the night time redness) and I decided to go ahead and measure his length as well. According to my quick measurement, he's 24", so he's grown about 4" in about 4 months! Such a big boy! And I'm sure he's doubled his birth weight, though I haven't weighed him in a couple weeks.

He also can roll from back to front and front to back. His amber necklace hasn't arrived yet so still not sure about if it'll help with the fussiness and teething discomfort.

And I guess that's our update for the week! On to a few pictures.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

15 weeks

My poor boy is losing his hair! Everyone keeps telling me "don't worry. It's normal for them to lose their hair. It'll grow back." I understand and know and even expected him to lose his hair, but it's still sad to see it happen and I feel a little responsible. He's got a case of cradle cap so I've been putting cradle cap oil treatment on his head and combing to loosen the flakes and comb them out, but also end up getting a lot of hair. He doesn't seem bothered by either the flakes or the hair loss. But it just looks so sad. My once full head of hair baby is now all wispy.

Also, poor thing, is teething. Normally he's happy and smiley all the time, but lately there are some times that he is just uncharacteristically fussy. And he has been biting down when he sticks my finger in his mouth or other things. I, being the "hippy" that I am, have ordered him an amber teething necklace. Some may say it's hokey, and that any effect it has is just placebo for the parents, but I'll take it. If there is any chance that it will help him, I welcome it.

For those not "in the loop" Baltic Amber supposedly will release oils into the skin that helps with pains. For babies, teething is primarily for what it's used. In adults arthritis is a common ailment. I've also read about people using it for headaches or any aches and pains. I also ordered a necklace to wrap around my ankle a couple times because it still hurts from when I sprained it before Xavier was born. I'll update once they arrive if they seem to help at all. :)

Also, Xavier is getting to be such a big boy we had to move his straps on his carseat to the last holes and remove the newborn head support. We're hoping to get a new set of carseats for Christmas because he'll have outgrown his current one by weight very soon!

Today being Thanksgiving I am thinking about how thankful that we did not give up trying or give up hope of having a child. And thinking about how amazing it is that we have such a beautiful, smart, generally happy 3 1/2 month old baby boy. He really has blessed our lives even more than I had ever dreamed. I am also thankful that I have been able to achieve my goal of exclusively breastfeeding and even had a surplus of milk that I was able to donate to feed a baby in need for about a week.

And now on to the pictures.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

14 weeks

As promised, this post is going to be a LOT of pictures.

In news, I think we're beginning teething. He's been fussier than usual and hardly eating and when he grabs my hand he bites down and chews on my finger instead of sucking on it.

I weighed him on Sunday and he was about 15lbs! We're growing well!

Because, as per usual, I can't think of much to say and we do have a fussy baby on our hands, here's the pictures.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

13 weeks, 3 months!!

This is just a quick "I'm so sorry". We have been battling colds and I just have not had a free moment to make an actual post. Xavier got over his cold quickly. I'm practically better. Rob is still sick.

Xavier has rolled over a couple of times. His 3 month photo shoot went very well. He is such a good baby. I can't believe he's already 3 months old.

I'm posting via my phone so no pictures again. Do sorry!! I'm hoping next week I can do a real post with pictures.

Friday, November 2, 2012

12 weeks

Wow! Can you believe it?! Xavier is 12 weeks old! He has his 3 month photo shoot on Sunday. I can't believe it.

I started this post on Monday, and it had been a rough day though which is why the post is going up so late.

Monday, October 22, 2012

(almost) 11 weeks

I can't believe my baby is almost 3 months old!! He's getting so big. Yesterday Rob and I were talking about how he looks/feels bigger than he did just a few days before. Babies have some pretty intense growth spurts!

I'm one week down on my new work schedule. I must say, I do like getting home at about 6ish. I haven't had a problem washing diapers yet because I can start them early enough in the night to get them done or almost done before bed.

Pumping is going well. Saturday morning I got about 7 1/2 oz from my first pump of the morning! So milk has not been an issue so far.

Rob seems to be doing well on the days he watches him. He sends pictures throughout the day so I get a little pick-me-up.

Right now, little guy is taking a nap. But when he wakes up and is satisfied we have a big day. I need to go hopefully get copies of the bill from the hospital for his bloodwork when he was first born. I don't know what happened to it and we need any unpaid bills for his Tenncare application. I also need to go by the pediatrician's to get a copy of the bill we paid this month because we can use any bills paid this month towards his application as well. And then once we gather those pieces I have the other stuff printed out and I just have to go back by the office to turn it in.

I really hope it's worth it. I mean I understand that they couldn't give me an answer without all the information, but I hate to do all of this and either a) still be denied or b) it doesn't really matter as it's only for November and December basically.

I don't know that there's a whole lot more to say at the moment, so here's your dose of cute!

Monday, October 15, 2012

(almost) 10 Weeks

Since my new day off is Monday, I may be updating more on Mondays. Or, I work a half day on Wednesdays, so I may still update on Wednesdays.

Anyway, today we went to the health department to get Xavier's 2 month shots. Our pediatrician office had suggested on Thursday they might be cheaper since we had the little issue with Xavier being insured. I don't know how much it actually cost as the health department doesn't give you a bill right then and there, but hopefully it won't be too bad.

On Thursday at his regular 2 month check at the pediatrician office, Rob told me he was 11lbs and 22" long. Still doing well overall.

Today to get his shots, fully clothed and cloth diapered he was 12lb 4oz I believe and they didn't measure him. They only weighed him to know how much of the vaccines to give him. He did really well. They gave him an oral one that he actually swallowed down without too much fuss and he got two shots in one leg and one in the other. He cried as the shots were given, but by the time we got to the car he was fine and even coo-ed the whole way home.

They gave me a pamphlet to find out about getting him on TennCare, but none of the numbers they'll actually talk with me. They just say you have to put an application in. I tried to do the application online, but I'm not really sure how to do it for just a baby and not a whole household. I may go to their office in just a few minutes to talk with them about it.

Anyway, things are good.

This weekend Xavier finally got to meet his cousin, Samuel. It was a pretty special time of their lives as Samuel is almost 4 months and Xavier is still 2 months so the last in their lives that Sammy will be twice as old as Xavier. :) We got a couple of pictures, though the boys weren't overly interested in one another. When one or the other would cry they would show an interest. But mostly "meh. just another little person." LOL

I'll get pictures uploaded soon, hopefully. But I want to try to go run some more errands before it gets too late. Like checking on TennCare and I also need to speak with our potential daycare to find out their rates and possibly get on a wait list for May.

Edit a week later: Pictures!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

9 weeks

One week down at work. It really wasn't as bad as I anticipated. Yeah, it has stunk being away from Xavier for 12 hours, but I know he is being well cared for. I get pictures periodically from whoever is watching him at the time which is really nice. Rob brought him on my lunch again on Friday and we all had lunch together in his car.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 8, 2 months, back to work. :(

Yesterday was my first day back to work after having Xavier. I was surprised that it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought I would cry all day, but it was really only the morning when everyone was saying "Welcome back! How's the baby?" Towards the end of the day I could smile and show pictures of Xavier without crying.

Apparently he had a really good day. Didn't fuss a whole lot. Slept mostly. Hardly ate, but he made up for it when I came home last night. And today since I still have Wednesdays off he's been making up for it today too. I can barely put him down though he's asleep at the moment.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 7

There's a lot that has been on my mind. This post will probably get a little rambly and ranty, but I promise there'll be cute pictures at the end. ;)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 6

I can't believe that tomorrow my baby will be 6 weeks old. A month and a half already! And if I didn't have vacation time, I'd be going back to work tomorrow.

That's mostly what has been on my mind the last several days. If there were ANYTHING I could do to not go back to work until he was school age ideally (or at the minimum 1 year old), I would do it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, that's not an option. I will have to go back to work on October 9th, when he's 8 weeks old.

He's getting bigger all the time. He is smiling all the time and started to make his little baby coos more frequently. I have a couple of videos I may just put up on my YouTube account so that those not on Facebook can see them.

He's over 10lbs now. A couple of days ago I weighed myself and then weighed myself again holding him and the weight was 10lbs different.

Sometime within the last week or two I decided to take out part of the newborn padding in his car seat as he always looked squished. He looks much more comfortable and happy now without the "butt pad." I still have the headrest in there though.

And now for some pictures

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

weeks 4 & 5 (1 month!)

So sorry for the delay posting. I have been meaning to, but we had another bout of cluster feeding and then I also went through a really tired period where I was trying to just sleep when Xavier was sleeping. But I feel rested today and Xavier is napping for the moment so I just thought I'd try to put up a quick post.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

2 weeks (17 days old)

Xavier had his 2 week checkup yesterday. He's up to 8lb 12 oz! I don't know length, they didn't tell me. But 12 oz in a week is more than is expected and the doctor seemed pleased. He did go ahead and use silver nitrate on his navel area since it's still kind of been oozie. I don't know if it was successful or not as it still doesn't look great. But again, the doctor seemed pleased and said that since he's perfect we don't have to come back again until his 2 month check up and beginning his vaccinations.

We also have had success with feeding on both sides. Still working on the latch and healing the right side but apparently even with the difficulties he's doing well.

Friday, August 17, 2012

10 days old

Since I don't know if I'll be able to get around to doing truly weekly updates, I figured I'd just title the posts by the days/weeks etc unless there's something significant I'm writing about and post whenever I can. Sorry for not being able to be more consistent like I was during pregnancy, but I'm sure you understand the differences of life with a newborn. ;)

Xavier is 10 days old and as cute as can be. He's very precious and continues to sleep a lot. He had a one week weigh in and while he had lost a little weight at the 24 hour checkup (normal) he was back up to 8lbs at his 1 week weigh in. He goes back to the pediatrician on Wednesday.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Welcome to the world!

Well! It HAS been an exciting week. My apologies that I never got around to doing the weekly belly picture earlier. I have that ready to go. And actually it's a "special edition" since I took it while in early labor!! So it is the absolute last belly picture while pregnant with Mr. Xavier!

Also, in this post I will be making a detailed "birth story." For anyone who is squeamish about hearing about labor and birth, just an FYI, I want a detailed documentation for my own reasons, so you might want to just skip through until the pictures at the end (no gory birth pictures. Just belly pictures and baby pictures)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

39 week pictures

Apologies for the pajamas rather than proper clothes. But pictures from just now.

39 weeks!

Who thought that we'd actually still be posting pregnancy weeks at this point instead of having actual baby updates? I know that at the beginning of last week, Rob predicted that it would be that week. Well, another week down, baby still in utero. It's truly OK though. I've read that the closer to the due date the better and that babies born after 39 weeks are smarter and better than ever so, can't complain there (of course babies born BEFORE 39 weeks are fabulous as well, just as far as induction goes the studies say that if you can wait until after 39 it's better. Not to step on any toes of any babies born before 39 weeks, including myself since I was apparently 2 weeks early).

Friday, August 3, 2012

Duck/Kissy Face

This is from the ultrasound that I ended up having on Wednesday. They wanted to do one to get a weight estimate and to check his position and things.

Rob says it's the "duck face." I think it's a "kissy face."

Sunday, July 29, 2012

38 week pictures

Here are some pictures. I feel like he's getting low. Getting ready to make his entrance out into the world. Let me know what you think.

38 weeks!

Can you believe it's just 14 days until my due date? It's hard for me to believe! And the thought that seriously, any time now we could have a baby is pretty mind blowing.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Crazy pregnancy dreams

I completely forgot, yesterday I had two crazy dreams I was going to post.

37 week appointment

First appointment in a long time that I haven't had to have an ultrasound. Also didn't have to go on the monitors. It was mostly nice.

However I was gently reprimanded for my weight. I'd "gained 9 lbs" in a week. However, last week I was still leaning heavily on a cane when I was weighed and I'd "lost" several lbs last week. So the difference between two weeks ago and today was only 2lbs. But I was told that I should only be gaining 1/2 a lb a week. So that was a real dampener especially since I thought it was 1 lb a week at this point that was average, and I have still been watching what I eat and haven't been able to exercise because of an ankle. I thought that the 2lb difference discounting last week was a good thing. But apparently not.

Monday, July 23, 2012

37 week picture

Sorry this is a lot later than I intended. Took this Saturday night.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

37 weeks, 9 months, FULL TERM!

This is a ground breaking week, everyone! Not only is it another week down, but it also marks the 9 month mark and the consideration of FULL TERM! That means we really could have a baby any time now! Not that I necessarily WANT him 3 weeks early or that I'm necessarily READY for my pregnancy to be over, but it COULD happen.

This week has been pretty eventful... But since I've started posting twice a week now (doctor appointments being every week) I don't know what I haven't covered yet.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

36 week appointment

Today was a LONG day.

Pain and baby dreams

So last night I twisted my left ankle and fell. I fell on my left knee and butt. So, that's good. Didn't fall on my face/belly or anything. But I'm in pretty considerable pain. Rob has been good and helping with ice packs and when he can, helping me to the bathroom.

I did have a strange dream last night though. I guess pain induced and anticipation of today's doctor visit.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

36w picture

Took this tonight after the maternity photo shoot. Hope to be able to share those pictures soon too. :)

36 weeks

One week until full term! 28 days until the due date! Time's drawing close!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Answers from the doctor's office

So, I don't really know what to think. I called the doctor's office during my lunch break today. Called the billing department at my 1st break. Over all, not a very pleasant day.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

35 weeks!

Wow. What a week this past week has been.

As I'm sure many, if not most of you, are aware, we had a computer error on Tuesday night which lost the blog. I managed to recover from 03/21 forward using the application on my phone, however, anything prior to that is completely lost. And even the posts from 03/21 forward until now, all comments are lost. I'm deeply saddened to have lost all of your kind thoughts and words and feedback and everything, however, it happens.

I'm working on reconstructing the blog slowly from that time, and have kind of done a summary of the first trimester and first 1/2 of the 2nd trimester so I at least have some record of that time. It's a slow process.

Anyway... Here's about the rest of this past week!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Explanation of blog

This is a "back up" of sorts of my pregnancy/baby blog. I had my blog on our home server and a computer error caused the whole thing to get wiped. Because of having used a WordPress application on my phone that had a built in cache of some sort, I was able to recover posts from March 21st forward, which is why it "starts" so awkwardly. I emailed myself all of the posts and will slowly be adding them back to their appropriate times, but there may be a period of time where I will have a new "weekly" post and it won't be "caught up to date" as it will be a slow process reconstructing all of the pictures and everything that were in the original posts. I will also try to do a recap of the first trimester and first 1/2 of the 2nd trimester, though, unfortunately, those posts were all lost. I'll back date that post to prior to March 21st whenever I manage to write it up.

Thank you for being a part of my pregnancy and life as a mother once my son arrives.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

33 weeks!

What a week! Started out with pelvic pain from having fallen asleep on the couch sitting upright. Moved on to the excitement of my nephew being born and realizing just how close we are getting!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

32w Picture

Actually took this picture Saturday night ,so it was 31weeks 6 days, but close enough to 32 weeks. ;)

32 weeks

Another week down. This week was exciting because of the baby shower yesterday. I was very blessed. I appreciate everyone who either attended or sent something, even just well wishes. It all meant a lot. :)

Not a whole lot to say about the week other than that I suppose. Plans for this week is on Wednesday I'm going to go to a different pediatrician, probably just go by myself since Rob seems fine with staying with the one we saw this past Wednesday and since I figure he's the worst we could have possibly seen, anything that I like surely is going to be fine with him. :-p

I also plan on going to the two "top picks" for daycare and see what their cost estimate is and if they have any chance at all that they'll have availability in October. I just don't even know how to go about trying to see about a "nanny" and honestly, I'm afraid that a "nanny" will be just as expensive if not moreso than daycare.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June appt

Appointment went well. Had another ultrasound, but Xavier was sleeping so nothing terribly interesting to watch or see happening. Fluid is still high so they want to do another one next appointment. It was either that or start me on the high risk monitoring EVERY WEEK instead of letting me continue to come in every other week. They didn't give me measurements or any information really other than the fluid was still high. They finally explained why it COULD be a problem for my fluid to still be high. If my water should break on its own, then the cord could rush out first and then get pinched by the baby's head which would cut off his oxygen supply and be bad. It was nice to finally have an explanation as to why it's "bad" since everything else came back good. 

My blood pressure was "excellent" they said. I still gained 2 lbs even with exercising and really watching my calories. The midwife I saw today didn't say anything about my weight gain other than it seemed fine.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

31 weeks

Sorry this is late going up. I'm so tired lately. I just hadn't gotten around to it.

So, let's get to it!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Week 30 picture

To be honest, I'm not sure which of these pictures were originally in the blog. The first one was taken on 06/03 which is exactly 30 weeks. The 2nd was taken on 06/04 which was a day before the original post was made.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

30 Weeks!

Wow! 30 weeks, which means "approximately" 10 weeks to go! That's crazy!

This weekend was another busy weekend baby related, however good stuff.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May appointment #2

Well good news is blood pressure is down to normal. So my efforts to really watch sodium have helped. And my fluid is down almost normal too. They'll do another ultrasound in 2 weeks to make sure that it's still going down or is normal.

Bad news is I am apparently gaining weight faster than I should be. But I did stay steady/lost some towards the beginning so they're not TOO worried, but they want me to watch it. So, now I'm trying to make an effort to track my food again and Rob and I have been working for the past several minutes on figuring out a plan of exercise since I have NOT been doing that AT ALL and I knew that I should be, but I hadn't been. :(

So, the plan is (dumb as it seems) for me to join the gym that he and his friends, and some of my friends, go to. Yes, 7 months pregnant, joining a gym. They have treadmills and stationary bikes I think so I guess I'll be doing that. We figured it'll be more comfortable and safer than walking outside in the heat at 9pm. We had planned on me joining the gym after the baby was born anyway to help lose the baby weight and also continue on my weight loss journey. I don't know how quickly I'll be able to get back on that bandwagon after the baby's born, but if we already have the membership in place, I guess it's just as well.

The alternative was for us to try and find a treadmill to put in the basement, but I'm a) Not sure we could find one with a high enough weight capacity for us, b) a high enough weight capacity and our price range and c) Not sure it would actually get USED enough. If just one person is doing it by themselves it's a lot harder. Though it does have the benefit of not having to GO anywhere.

But the weight capacity/price for one with a high enough capacity was the bigger issue.

Anyway, that's where we stand now.

I also got to meet a different midwife than I had met before. I liked her too. My favorites are Robin and Annie now I think. Susan's OK, but I'm just more comfortable with Robin and Annie I think.

Edit: Rob added a picture after the jump.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

29 weeks

Whew! I don't know what to say about the week really but TODAY has been busy!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

28 weeks & 3rd Trimester!

Today is 28 weeks and the start of the third trimester! I can hardly believe that it's almost baby time!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May appointment #1

Today's appointment went pretty well. My blood pressure was high, but I've had a lot of sodium lately. Also there was some protein in my urine, but I also did not have as much water before the appointment as I normally do.

The ultrasound went well. I got the woman tech who is a lot more fun.

There was one point when Xavier put his hand up by his mouth like he was the thinker and then I got to see him swallowing and doing the "practice breaths." He was a lot more active than he has been before.

He is still measuring big but only the 66th percentile which for people like me who didn't know what that meant he's just a little bigger than average.

The ultrasound estimate on weight he was about 2lb 11oz.

Appointments are biweekly now. So I go back on the 30th.

I've got to watch the sodium because of my blood pressure.

But over all, other than the blood pressure and protein everything seems good.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

27 Weeks

By some counts, this may be the 3rd trimester! Definitely though, three months from yesterday is the due date. And we are in double digits to the due date! About 91 days! Time really has flown.

Also, it's Mother's Day. And while my child is still in utero, I do feel like I am a mother. Next year will be even more special with my son on the outside, but this year is special in its own way by having him just THERE. An occasional nudge or kick. Still fascinated by watching my belly move when he kicks.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Baby dreams

So last night I had a dream that two days after the baby is born he was the size of a 5 year old and talked like one. He looked like my brother Caleb at about 5. I even said in the dream "I didn't expect you to be able to talk this well" and he just rolled his eyes and said "please."

His skin was also peeling like he had a bad sunburn, but he didn't look burned.

It was really weird.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

26 Weeks

Time is flying! Soon we will be to the third trimester! Less than 100 days until the due date! It's hard to believe that in about 3 months our baby will be here!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

25 Weeks

So we are at 25 weeks. Xavier is quite active. I read that if someone puts their ear to my belly at this point you may be able to hear his heartbeat without use of a Doppler. Rob hasn't tried it yet.

He seems to like the right side of my body. Usually hangs out up under my right ribs.

Um... No real cravings that I can think of.

My birthday on Friday was great. Slept in, had lunch with Rob, worked 1/2 day and most of all my prayer from last year that I would either have a baby or be pregnant by my 28th birthday came true. I am most definitely pregnant as was evident by the kicks and nudges and everything I felt all day, and feel every day now.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No news is good news

Well, I've been anxiously waiting for a week now to get my blood results from my testing a week ago. I assumed that "no news is good news," but honestly, with something like gestational diabetes ESPECIALLY with the extra amniotic fluid, and my health and my baby's health, I didn't want to completely risk it. I mean yeah, the genetic
screening from a month ago, whatever. It is what it is. But with gestational diabetes, if I need to make a change to my diet/lifestyle, I need to know!

So I called this morning and left a voice mail for them to call me with the results.

I JUST got the call back. Iron is good and diabetes test is normal! Hallelujah! Thank you for any prayers or good thoughts that anyone provided. I was REALLY scared about it but I am so relieved that it's all normal.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Intense Dreams

It's been a while since I've had intense dreams, but last night was full of them!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

24 weeks

Wow. Another week has gone by already?

Um... Hip has been doing some better. Xavier moves quite a bit now. Though he always stops right when Rob tries to feel.

Heartburn has started. And what I thought was allergies is actually a cold. But I'm almost better.

Things are good!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April Appointment

Today was my April monthly appointment. It was also my gestational diabetes test.

Monday, April 16, 2012

23 w picture

So it was a weird couple days bump wise. Friday I had one person say "you didn't already have the baby did you?" and go on to say I barely am showing. Saturday a couple of people tell me I was really small.
Today I had one person tell me I look bigger every time they see me (admittedly that person hadn't seen me in a week.) "Not in a bad way though!"

Here's this week's picture for what it's worth. I took it right before making the post.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

23 Weeks

This week has been hip pain and kicks. Really that's about what there is to it. I get some relief from a hot shower or soak in the tub or a heating pad, but mostly it just hurts. *shrugs* it's an annoyance, but I don't regret the pregnancy at all.

The movement is pretty regular. Sometimes he moves so much it kind of makes me nauseated. I guess just moving around the other stuff inside. But again, I don't mind. It's cool to have little reminders he's there.

I've had two people tell me last week that I don't really have much of a bump or that I'm still really small. I don't know if this is good bad or just is. I guess it's good because that means that I don't have the back pain or other awkwardness of being big and awkward longer.

Wednesday I have my glucose screening test. I'm nervous. Please think of me as I really want to pass. I don't want to have to worry about gestational diabetes.

I guess that's all for right now.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Big Kicks!

Just watched my belly MOVE when Xavier kicked! That was pretty crazy!

Midweek Update

Well, the temporary relief of the hip pain is gone. My stomach is 100% better, but now sitting, standing and walking are painful again. Soaking in a warm bath helped some as does a heating pad on the offending joint. Trying not to complain. I know it's all part of the process. And my son is worth it.

Speaking of Xavier, just when I start to worry about him from lack of movement he is such a good boy and gives me a little nudge to know he's ok. And I was a little worried because I hadn't felt him this evening when I normally do and was just about to resort to the Doppler when he gave me a good series of kicks.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

22 Weeks

Why is it whenever I come to make the weekly updates, initially I can't think of anything to say?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I didn't expect nesting instincts to come this early but I feel a near constant need to DO something.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Just a quick update. Rob got to feel kicks tonight for the first time!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

21 Weeks

This last week was rough at work (for some reason just really stressed and tired of everything) but as far as the pregnancy goes, it was pretty good.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Today my first newborn size diaper arrived as did my first set of Baby Legs!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Oh the Aches and Pains

Yesterday I decided to vacuum. I also decided to vacuum the stairs. This was perhaps a mistake. After I finished the stairs I went up to the bedroom and sat on the floor to talk to Rob. Mistake #2 perhaps?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

20 Weeks

This marks truly "half way!" Can you believe it?! I can't. It's crazy. It doesn't feel like time to be half done already.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ultrasound pictures

Maybe not everyone likes ultrasound pictures as much as I do. But for anyone who's interested, follow the jump and you'll see a bunch of pictures of our little boy!

They said he is about 13oz and they did say that based on his measurements his due date could be 08/04 instead of 08/12. Because it wasn't more than 2 weeks different than the original due date it isn't changing officially.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Early pregnancy sum-up

Because the first trimester and first half of the second trimester was lost on the original blog, this is just kind of a summary.