Wednesday, July 11, 2012

35 week appointment

To be honest with you, I'm not really sure WHAT happened at the appointment today.

Started out OK. I had my ultrasound. She had a lot of trouble getting measurements, but I didn't really think anything of it. She didn't talk much during the scan which she usually does. I figured it was probably just that it was late in the day so she was probably tired. And Xavier didn't really seem to be doing anything interesting. Just laying there for the most part. I did see his heart very clearly though. It looked just like any heart you might see anywhere else. Sometimes ultrasounds are kind of...blobby... But it was beating just like any other video of a heart beat. He kind of moved his hands around. I thought I saw the "practice breathing" movements. But mostly just calm, laying there like usual. He's pretty laid back it seems. And on my days off he's less active anyway. I guess because I don't talk as much.

Anyway, she asked me if he usually measures big. I said that he did. She didn't tell me how much ahead he was, but she did say he was like 6lb and I think 13oz apx (if you know anything about ultrasound estimates, you know that they're off a lot of times).

After she cleans off the ultrasound goo, she offered to let me go give my urine sample or go straight to the monitor. I didn't know what she was talking about and had to pee really badly (pregnant woman here) so I decided to go pee and then see what the monitor was.

They take me back to a room and have these two little monitor things that they strap to my belly. She said the top one was for contractions and the bottom one was for the baby's heartbeat.

I asked if there were contractions or if there should be. She said not necessarily but if there are any, it'll pick up on them.

I also asked if there was something wrong and she said that they either didn't get enough variance in the heart rate or not enough movement or something like that.

Now, I could be wrong, but wouldn't a good steady heart rate be good? As far as the movement, so he's chill? I dunno.

Anyway they told me they'd give me a glass of ice water and put a radio next to my belly to try and get some activity. So I sipped the water and had the radio on and stuff. Apparently it didn't give them the results they wanted because she came back and asked if I'd eaten today. I said I had. She asked when. I said around 12:30/1. She asked if I was hungry. I said not really. She asked if I was diabetic. I said no. She then practically begged me to eat some peanut butter crackers. So, I did.

Next thing I know I'm having to CONTINUE to sit with the monitor because they can't get a good reading because he's moving too much!

So, I was monitored for probably over 30 minutes first because of too little movement then because of too much movement. He kept moving away from his heart monitor and kicking the contraction monitor.

As far as the time with the midwife, it was ok. It was a different one than I'd seen before. She was nice. It was kind of brief and abrupt but at this point it was past 5 I think so everyone wanted to go home. I didn't have any questions but I forgot to tell them I need to change pediatricians. They made a big deal about me doing kick counts. But honestly he moves a lot during the day. Usually some around 10:30 or 11 and in the afternoon after lunch and then in the evening. I have no concerns about his activity level. I mean also consider his parents. Rob and I are pretty chill. Not really active people.

Anyway, next week I have a big ultrasound. They said its a 30 minute one where they monitor the movement. I dunno. I just am getting the feeling that a big deal is being made over nothing. I got another explanation about the concern for the extra fluid. Last time they told me it was because if the water breaks on its own, the cord could rush out first. Today they said its because it puts me at risk for preterm labor because the extra fluid makes the uterus grow more which makes the body think the pregnancy is more advanced than it really is.

I have had NO signs of preterm labor. I've had maybe some Braxton hicks contractions (or practice contractions) but mostly I've just chalked it up to x pressing his back up against my belly and pushing out. Or the practice contractions that don't last long and while they hurt, it is only for a little while then goes away and is only maybe one time a day if that. I've had no signs of "discharge" or the "plug" being lost. Only a couple days did I have back pain and I can usually trace that back to something I did.

I can only imagine what would be happening if I was going to a "regular" OB office instead of a midwife office.

Anyway, apparently everything is ok. My blood pressure was good. I weighed more than I expected, but I had a painfully full bladder (I swear probably 2lbs of pee) which would attribute for the difference in what I expected my weight to be. But they didn't say anything about my weight.

I'm on my phone at the moment, but I took some pictures of the ultrasound pictures so I could post. They're not very good. He's head down and while not engaged in my pelvis yet, he's low enough it makes it hard to get good head/face shots (and that was part of why she had a hard time getting measurements. The other thing was she apparently told them he was moving too much to get the measurements!!)

But I'll try to see if I can post the pictures. One his lips are pursed like a "kissy face" and the other is just "normal"


  1. Head down is good! Sorry about the problems with the ultra sound & monitor. I've never heard of anything like that.

    1. Yes, head down definitely is good. He's been head down for a long time. I just hope he doesn't decide last minute to change.
