Sunday, July 15, 2012

36 weeks

One week until full term! 28 days until the due date! Time's drawing close!

Well for those of you who regularly read or have me on FaceBook, you know about the events of the last week with the doctor's office and all. I really don't know what else to talk about the week in general.

I've discovered I have to be really slow and careful when getting in/out of bed. And walking/standing a lot is getting more difficult. I still don't have any swelling I don't think, but there is pain involved. I get a lot of pelvic pain when walking/standing a lot as I discovered yesterday. And occasionally if I get up or lay down too quickly I either get pelvic pain or contractions (I guess they're contractions.)

Yesterday went to Knoxville to look for nursing bras and tops. I guess there just aren't nursing tops any more. Or at least not tops for plus sized girls. Even online, I haven't had really any luck. There are sometimes tank tops/cami's which are OK, but definitely not what I would wear just by itself. I guess I just need to get used to wearing layers and wear a cami/tank top or belly band and nursing bra and then a loose top. Unless someone reading this can point me in the direction of nursing tops in XXL. :-p We went to Target and Motherhood Maternity. I am glad that we went to Motherhood Maternity because I got "sized" for a bra and ended up buying one bra with band/cup size (the others were sports bra types that don't have cup/band size) and the cup size was one that I did NOT expect. So, yeah.

But we had a lot of standing and walking and stuff so between that and then the loooong drive home meant I was very sore and could barely move when we got home.

With that thought, I'm really not sure how much I can continue to go to the gym. I skipped it on Thursday and Friday, Thursday because I was very sore and Friday because I wanted to go look at JCPenny and Wal-Mart for nursing bras/tops. We'll see how I feel on Monday I guess and just continue to take it one day at a time.

Tonight I have a maternity photo shoot. Very excited about that. And excited that Rob agreed to be a part of it too. First family pictures! And really, Rob and I have never had pictures taken together other than just snapshots.

I'll update again around Wednesday after my next appointment!

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