Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Explanation of blog

This is a "back up" of sorts of my pregnancy/baby blog. I had my blog on our home server and a computer error caused the whole thing to get wiped. Because of having used a WordPress application on my phone that had a built in cache of some sort, I was able to recover posts from March 21st forward, which is why it "starts" so awkwardly. I emailed myself all of the posts and will slowly be adding them back to their appropriate times, but there may be a period of time where I will have a new "weekly" post and it won't be "caught up to date" as it will be a slow process reconstructing all of the pictures and everything that were in the original posts. I will also try to do a recap of the first trimester and first 1/2 of the 2nd trimester, though, unfortunately, those posts were all lost. I'll back date that post to prior to March 21st whenever I manage to write it up.

Thank you for being a part of my pregnancy and life as a mother once my son arrives.

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