Sunday, July 8, 2012

35 weeks!

Wow. What a week this past week has been.

As I'm sure many, if not most of you, are aware, we had a computer error on Tuesday night which lost the blog. I managed to recover from 03/21 forward using the application on my phone, however, anything prior to that is completely lost. And even the posts from 03/21 forward until now, all comments are lost. I'm deeply saddened to have lost all of your kind thoughts and words and feedback and everything, however, it happens.

I'm working on reconstructing the blog slowly from that time, and have kind of done a summary of the first trimester and first 1/2 of the 2nd trimester so I at least have some record of that time. It's a slow process.

Anyway... Here's about the rest of this past week!

I have been extremely tired and emotional lately. I'm tired of work (sorry, work people who read this. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about though). It's not my co-workers or my supervisors or my manager. I love them all! And they are the only thing keeping me sane and sticking with it. It's really decisions that are being made higher up. I'm just trying to take one day, one week at a time and looking forward to having 8 weeks off. No, I realize that maternity leave is exhausting and definitely not a vacation in any way shape or form. But it's time away from my job. I'm hoping that all I need is some time away to rejuvenate myself.

I've started taking naps on my lunch break again because of how tired I have been. I'm not really sure if it helps or not. On the one hand, I'm not as tired. But on the other hand, I seem to be more grumpy towards work when I come back. LOL I guess see above paragraph. Hoping it all gets better after some time away. Fatigue wise though, I know that's not going to get better any time soon.

Saturday I woke up around 8:30 when Rob had to get up for a tournament he was running and I stayed up and piddled around for a while until 10 sometime and then I decided I was tired so I would just sleep a little bit more. That "little bit more" turned into sometime around 2pm.

On the one hand, it stinks that I slept the day away (and my body was NOT happy about not having eaten in such a long time) but on the other hand, I guess it's better for me to go ahead and get sleep while I can.

My heartburn has started to pick up. Nothing unbearable. I only take Tums once or twice a day and not every day. But it's definitely noticeable and there.

Considering 37 weeks is considered "full term" we only have 2 more weeks before we could potentially have a baby! How crazy is that?!

People keep asking me if I'm ready. I both am, and am not ready. We pretty much have everything taken care of as far as having "stuff" for the baby. Clothes are washed and ready. All the newborn diapers are ready. I have the last things I needed ordered as far as diapers go and then we're ready there. Room is about as set up as it's going to get. I do need to get one more thing as far as my breast pump is concerned, but that's not vital to have before the baby is born since I won't start pumping for at least 3 or 4 weeks anyway. And I still haven't gotten any baby wash, but that's not like it's going to be hard to get.

As far as emotionally/physically, I'm still not really having a hard pregnancy. The weight isn't bothering me to speak of (keep in mind I lost close to 60lbs before getting pregnant and I have not gained anywhere near 60lbs). Yeah, it's hot, but again, I used to be a lot heavier so the heat would have bothered me more there. I've not had any swelling. Saturday is the first day I've really had back pain and that could have been a variety of things (sleeping all day could have been a big contributor).

I am definitely looking forward to not having to go to a doctor's office all the time. Yes, I know, you take babies to the doctor frequently for well baby checks. But that's not really the same.

I do look forward to seeing him and holding him and watching him grow from the outside. But for now, I'm still very much loving feeling him inside me. Kicking and rolling and hiccuping.

So, am I ready for the pregnancy to be over and to just have the baby? Yes and no. But it's more of a "no." I know that this period of time in my life is so short and I don't know if I'll ever get to experience pregnancy again, so I'm just continuing to enjoy it and cherish every moment as best I can.

1 comment:

  1. yay for updates! I love the title. :-) so glad you're enjoying this season.
