Sunday, July 1, 2012

34 weeks

There's a fair amount to talk about this time!

Milestones this week. I was told I have the pregnant waddle. And people keep saying how my bump has dropped (probably contributing to the waddle)

Baby hiccups are a pretty much daily thing. If they last a long time, X seems to get frustrated and kicks and squirms a lot.

I've been trying to figure out if he responds to my voice or not. I've noticed on my more difficult calls at work he moves a lot. I don't know if it's in response to my change in tone (softer, more soothing) or my stress/anxiety level that he may be able to sense and it makes him uncomfortable.

Along the responding to noise thing, it was kind of funny. Saturday night we were at a graduation party that there were also fireworks and Rob asked "How is Xavier responding to the fireworks?" to which I responded that he hadn't really reacted. Rob then laid his head on my lap and at that point X started moving around. Again, don't know if it was in response to hearing Rob and me talk to one another, hearing us talk about HIM or just coincidence. But it is interesting to think about.

Also, this week being week 34 means only 3 more weeks until "full term!" and considering he's been measuring from 5 - 13 days "ahead" since 19 weeks, I'm kind of expecting him one or two weeks early. So that means possibly in 4 or 5 weeks we could be having a baby even though the due date isn't for 6 weeks. But even so, due date 6 weeks away! 42 days until due date!

Now even with all of that, I won't be holding my breath and be disappointed if he DOESN'T come a week or two early. All I really want and hope for is sometime before 41 weeks because at 41w1d I can't use the birth center any longer.

Going to be having a maternity photo shoot soon. Very much looking forward to that. Not sure what I'll wear though.

Well, I guess that's all for now. :)

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