Tuesday, October 22, 2013

14 months weeks 2 & 3

Sorry for no post last week! I've been taking vacation time on Fridays due to some Magic tournaments Rob is or was going to do.

Our latest thing is Xavier is eating almost everything now! It's rather exciting. And when he tries a bite he says "Mmmm!" Needless to say, it's one of the most adorable things ever.

The other thing is sceraming. He's been a screamer for a while, but goodness me. Lately he just screams. A lot.

I can't think of anything else to talk about really. I need to do a better job of making note of his new things. But here's the pictures.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

14 months week 1

Fun times on Saturday. We went with Rob to a magic tournament he was judging. So we got to go see my parents and sister. And then after spending some time hanging out with my family we headed on over to visit Rob's family. Xavier had a good time crawling in the grass at a playground and then seeing the doggies and kitty at his other grandparents house. Then when it was close to time for Rob to be finished we went back to the mall and did some shopping and Xavier got to crawl around in the play area for a while.

This week we've had to break out the long sleeves and pants and socks. I also tried to get some shoes for him to play outside at daycare. I got three different pairs in three different sizes at a consignment sale I went to on Wednesday, but not one really fit well. I just don't want to spend $40 on shoes he'll wear hardly any. (that's what Stride Rite was going to cost even on sale!)

So, I'm on the hunt for shoes. I guess I need to print off a size chart.

No particular toy attachment this week. He loves playing with my pedometer. That's about it though.

Posting a little early this week because it was SUPER slow at work today (Thursday) so... Early post! Sorry there's not a whole lot of pictures, but go through the jump to see what I have.

Friday, October 4, 2013

(almost) 14 months

Well this week's biggest news is cutting molars. I've seen one on the top right and the top left opposite is very swollen and purple so I can tell it's trying to come though, just not popped through yet. I think I might have seen a glimpse of one on the bottom recently too.

Hmm... What else... what else...

We've been struggling with food again. He wouldn't even eat his favorites (mashed potatoes) last night. I think it could be due to discomfort with teething. He's also been nursing (maybe comfort, maybe nourishment since he hasn't been eating much, or both) a lot. I guess all I can say is even though people keep telling me to stop nursing him and he'll eat fine, my thought is that toddlers (even though he's not walking yet he's in that general age range) get picky with their eating regardless and also go through teething issues. I'm glad that I can still be giving him good nourishment and when he's ready to eat, he'll eat. It's obvious that he CAN because of the post recently where he was eating all sorts of barbecue.

I don't remember what this video is, but I took it and put it on youtube and put the link here to share. haha


Well... I guess time for your weekly Xavier picture fix.