Thursday, August 23, 2012

2 weeks (17 days old)

Xavier had his 2 week checkup yesterday. He's up to 8lb 12 oz! I don't know length, they didn't tell me. But 12 oz in a week is more than is expected and the doctor seemed pleased. He did go ahead and use silver nitrate on his navel area since it's still kind of been oozie. I don't know if it was successful or not as it still doesn't look great. But again, the doctor seemed pleased and said that since he's perfect we don't have to come back again until his 2 month check up and beginning his vaccinations.

We also have had success with feeding on both sides. Still working on the latch and healing the right side but apparently even with the difficulties he's doing well.

Friday, August 17, 2012

10 days old

Since I don't know if I'll be able to get around to doing truly weekly updates, I figured I'd just title the posts by the days/weeks etc unless there's something significant I'm writing about and post whenever I can. Sorry for not being able to be more consistent like I was during pregnancy, but I'm sure you understand the differences of life with a newborn. ;)

Xavier is 10 days old and as cute as can be. He's very precious and continues to sleep a lot. He had a one week weigh in and while he had lost a little weight at the 24 hour checkup (normal) he was back up to 8lbs at his 1 week weigh in. He goes back to the pediatrician on Wednesday.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Welcome to the world!

Well! It HAS been an exciting week. My apologies that I never got around to doing the weekly belly picture earlier. I have that ready to go. And actually it's a "special edition" since I took it while in early labor!! So it is the absolute last belly picture while pregnant with Mr. Xavier!

Also, in this post I will be making a detailed "birth story." For anyone who is squeamish about hearing about labor and birth, just an FYI, I want a detailed documentation for my own reasons, so you might want to just skip through until the pictures at the end (no gory birth pictures. Just belly pictures and baby pictures)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

39 week pictures

Apologies for the pajamas rather than proper clothes. But pictures from just now.

39 weeks!

Who thought that we'd actually still be posting pregnancy weeks at this point instead of having actual baby updates? I know that at the beginning of last week, Rob predicted that it would be that week. Well, another week down, baby still in utero. It's truly OK though. I've read that the closer to the due date the better and that babies born after 39 weeks are smarter and better than ever so, can't complain there (of course babies born BEFORE 39 weeks are fabulous as well, just as far as induction goes the studies say that if you can wait until after 39 it's better. Not to step on any toes of any babies born before 39 weeks, including myself since I was apparently 2 weeks early).

Friday, August 3, 2012

Duck/Kissy Face

This is from the ultrasound that I ended up having on Wednesday. They wanted to do one to get a weight estimate and to check his position and things.

Rob says it's the "duck face." I think it's a "kissy face."