Sunday, August 5, 2012

39 weeks!

Who thought that we'd actually still be posting pregnancy weeks at this point instead of having actual baby updates? I know that at the beginning of last week, Rob predicted that it would be that week. Well, another week down, baby still in utero. It's truly OK though. I've read that the closer to the due date the better and that babies born after 39 weeks are smarter and better than ever so, can't complain there (of course babies born BEFORE 39 weeks are fabulous as well, just as far as induction goes the studies say that if you can wait until after 39 it's better. Not to step on any toes of any babies born before 39 weeks, including myself since I was apparently 2 weeks early).

So. I never got around to posting about my doctor appointment on Wednesday. I gained 3 pounds, but no one said anything. So I just have to hope that if I make it to this week's appointment I don't have the same midwife as 2 weeks ago.

This time they decided that they would do an ultrasound to get a weight and position estimate. Weight estimate was 8lb 4oz. Apparently about the same size that I was when I was born, which, as mentioned above, I was 2 weeks early. So that was a week and a half early. Hoping he doesn't get too much bigger. Not just for the birth part, which I know is perfectly fine and possible with a big baby. But more for clothings sake. Don't know if the "newborn" size clothing will fit for more than a couple days if he keeps up the growth like this. 0-3m should fit OK for a while though. Also concerned about my "newborn" size diaper stash. Baby don't outgrow your dipes before we can even use them!

Anyway, So he is like in the 83 or 85% (can't remember which she said) So he's still measuring ahead. Which, not really a big surprise. Considering my family "runs big" and Rob is a big guy as well, we expected that our son would be big.

He's still head down. Wasn't engaged at the time, but good position.

Got the ultrasound picture I posted a couple days ago. He was actually awake again during the ultrasound which was a nice change. He made the kissy face (or as Rob called it, the duck face) and he put his hand up by his mouth and then when he moved it he was smacking his little lips. The ultrasound tech said "that hand must've been tasty!" I know that a little mouth movement is kinda silly to get excited over, but it's so crazy to see him making "baby movements" inside.

Went back into the exam room and they said that the fluid was high again (*sighs*) so I had to go back to the monitor.

I sat down in the chair and the nurse asked me sweetly if I'd ever had to do this before. I sighed and said yes. She said "You don't sound excited." I said "Well, last week they told me I wouldn't have to do this any more." She said "Oh... I'm sorry but I think you'll have to do this from here on out." Bah. Whatever. I'm hoping that the baby is going to be born relatively soon anyway (especially now that we're a week away from due date.)

Anyway, the NST came back good. He was moving and grooving the whole time. Does NOT like the monitor. I had to fight to keep the sensor picking up his heart rate.

Friday I had some co-workers mention that it looked like he'd dropped significantly from Thursday. I also had kind of noticed it but looking from above things look a lot different than someone looking AT you. So I wasn't sure. Then on Saturday I ran into some folks who said that it looked like it wouldn't be long now because he'd dropped. Maybe this week? I'd LOVE for it to be on the 10th because numerically it would amuse me (08/10/12)

I've been doing some "natural induction" things but not really trying really hard because I know baby will come when baby will come. I've been taking evening primrose oil in order to help "ripen" my cervix and I try at least one or 2 times a day to drink red raspberry leaf tea (though I forget on my days off. Work days I just take two teabags and then on my breaks I make a cup). I ate a bunch of pineapple on Friday and had enchiladas for lunch and eggplant parmesan for dinner. (which, I never would have tried eggplant parmesan except that it was recommended by a friend as "labor inducing" so I figured what the heck. It was DELICIOUS. Even though it didn't make me have a baby, I'm still very glad she suggested it) And I've been trying whenever possible to sit on the yoga ball to help bring him down into position. I can't stand to do it long though because it makes it painful and difficult to walk. But then any extended sitting does, so not much different there.

I just realized last night as I was doing some more organization that I don't have ANY baby towels. Luckily I have a BRU gift card and a Wal-mart gift card so I can buy/order some. Rob didn't seem to think it was necessary that you could just use "real human towels." LOL But most of our towels are "bath sheets" so they are big enough to fit around my body. A baby is significantly smaller than me so it'd be difficult to use I'd think. We only have like 3 or maybe 4 "normal" sized bath towels. He also thought we could just use a hand towel. Hand towels work great for kittens, but a baby is bigger than a kitten (though not as big as a "real human." LOL)

Well... That's the update as far as I can think of right now. :)

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