Sunday, July 29, 2012

38 weeks!

Can you believe it's just 14 days until my due date? It's hard for me to believe! And the thought that seriously, any time now we could have a baby is pretty mind blowing.

On Thursday my co-workers threw a baby shower for me. It was super sweet. My desk was decorated

And the board was decorated as well:

There was lots of delicious fruit and fruit kabobs and an adorable teddy bear with rattle and gift card to Babies-R-Us. Dunno what I'll get yet, but I felt very blessed.

I've been trying to sit on the exercise balls and do pelvic tilts like the midwife said to and I guess maybe it's doing something because it's pretty painful all the time now and difficult to walk. So maybe he is moving down? I feel like today looking at my "bump" it looks lower. A friend has suggested I go to a massage place, but I'm not really sure what a massage will do for pelvic pain/pressure. If I've still not had a baby by Wednesday I might try again if I'm not doing too many other things.

My ankle is doing a lot better. I'm still wearing a brace, but for normal walking it's not too bad. Out of the ordinary rotation hurts though. 

Went to a co-worker's house to buy some more baby clothes and a play mat thing. The clothes are bigger sizes though. So now I think we're good through at least 9 months, if not further. And since her baby is almost a year, I can continue to buy clothes off of her when he's done with them. haha

A lot of the women in my due date club online are having their babies. It's pretty crazy. It's gettin' real! Any wagers as to dates? I'm amused with the thought of 08/04/12 (8+4=12), and 08/10/12 (counting by 2's). And same month/day I like too. (08/08/12 though not as cool as if all three match). But of course, he'll come when he's ready. 

I read in an article last night that barometric pressure changes can put women into labor. We've got 30% chance of thunderstorms on Monday and Tuesday. Thursday - Sunday 40% chance. Last night when I looked Saturday, the 4th, had a 60% chance. Guess it went down. 

I need to go look at the prediction chart from the baby shower again to see what everyone's predictions were. 

Not a whole lot really to write about at the moment I guess. But if anything happens I'll try to update things. ;)

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