Thursday, December 6, 2012

17 Weeks (almost) 4 months!

Tomorrow my baby boy is 4 months old. I can't believe how time is flying. It's also almost his first Christmas. He is such a cheerful happy baby. Even when he doesn't feel well and he fusses because of it, you can tell he doesn't want to be fussing. He wants to be happy.

We started going to daycare this week. My work schedule was turned topsy turvy because of some training I was going through and we also had a scare because our babysitter was sick and unable to watch Xavier one of the days we needed last week, and she also had taken an additional part time job and was scheduled days that we needed this week. No fault of her own of course on the illness or needing an additional job, but it made us realize that we really need to have daycare so that even if a caretaker is sick, they have built in backups. The (primary) downside is that when enrolled in daycare, you don't have flexible days. You go the days that you're scheduled to go. So, we will still run into instances where we will need to scramble for care if my schedule changes due to training.

Everyone seems to love Xavier from what I've been able to tell when dropping him off. His "teacher" told me he is a really good baby.

Rob had a really precious experience yesterday he told me about. When he went to pick him up, Xavier saw him and started laughing and cooing. So while he's happy enough at daycare, he still knows and loves his daddy.

It's really interesting, the daycare system. They have a checksheet that they fill out every day for every time he takes a bottle and they change his diaper. They do it on a schedule it seems because they go through way more diapers than we usually do, which is fine and probably better for him. And we haven't run out of diapers yet. It did cause me to have to do diaper laundry on Monday night and Tuesday night because I have different diapers I send with daycare than I just keep at home. (I send velcro diapers rather than the snap diapers we use at home)

It was also kind of funny. While I realize that the daycare I chose is also a preschool, I didn't expect Xavier to start coming home with the Scholastic fliers at 4 months old! I remember those fliers when I was in school though. Loved looking through and picking what books I wanted. I hope Xavier has the same interest in books when he gets older.

The amber teething necklace did finally arrive. I tried it on him for a couple of days and I think it's plausible. I don't know if I would think that if I wasn't wearing amber myself though. But his appetite returned somewhat and he didn't seem quite as squirmy and fussy while he was wearing it. I took it off of him because he has some neck irritation that I wasn't sure if it was due to the necklace or if it's just because he's got a lot of neck rolls and moisture from nursing, spitting up and just sweaty baby, gets trapped in there. But I took it off so I could try to treat it with the same stuff we treat his diaper area redness with (CJ's BUTTer. Awesome stuff. I love it) and his neck is getting better. So I'm considering when he wakes up today to put it back on him.
As far as what I'm wearing amber for, my ankle still hurts quite a bit and gets really stiff from where I sprained it while I was pregnant. I wrap a "high potency" necklace around my ankle. I wish I had gotten a bracelet instead, but I was afraid that a bracelet would be too small. A necklace is both too big and too small. I can't wrap it around twice and fasten it so I just have it wrapped around and then use my sock to hold it in place. Well, a couple days ago I was wearing socks that didn't come up over my ankle, so I couldn't hold it in place so I just didn't wear it. Then yesterday I just didn't bother with it just to see what happens. Today my ankle was so sore and stiff I could barely move. I also had taken off my necklace that matches Xavier's because I was feeling a little irritation on my neck (probably more due to desperately needing a shower (having to be at work at 7:30am and not being used to getting out the door at 7am will cause you to lapse in the showering department)) so I didn't have any upper body "help" going on for a couple days either and my back was so stiff and sore. Needless to say, this morning after my shower I put on my matching necklace and once I put socks on put on my ankle necklace. We'll see if things improve through the day.

OK so here's some pictures from this last week!

I just love the way he sleeps with his ankles crossed. I don't know why but I think it's so cute! A downside is that I have to make sure that I keep his toenails trimmed because he has scratched his own feet from sleeping this way and he rubs his feet together when falling asleep or playing. 

One of his new wool diaper covers/pants. 

Modeling his new necklace.

My matching necklace.

His hair does this mohawk thing now all on its own. 

I was doing something on the computer and he was playing on the floor. Next thing I knew, he had fallen asleep while playing!

Playing wit his Razzberry teething toy.

Showing off his new custom wool diaper cover. Sooo it's a LITTLE big, but I'm happy it's too big than too small. We still are using this one and the other custom one because it's perfect for night. It's a nice breathable cover and we haven't had any leaks! The other custom one looks just like this but it's green instead of tan.

And I think someone just woke up, so that's all for now!

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