Sunday, December 30, 2012

(almost) 21 weeks!

As per usual, I will post a BUNCH of pictures since I didn't do pictures last week. Just going to try to get a post in real fast while Xavier is occupied and happy.

We now have 2 teeth! His second bottom tooth came through on Christmas Eve. So he got his two front teeth. haha I know, the song is about two top front teeth, but it works.

We had a great Christmas. It was a long two days with traveling and seeing lots of people, but it was good. Xavier got some great gifts that we look forward to watching him grow and develop with over the next several months.

Also, today I decided on a whim to weigh and measure him again. Weight was with clothing and diaper so it is maybe a pound or so off. But he was 20.2 lbs! Length was approximate as he was asleep and I didn't want to disturb him too much (unfortunately I apparently did as he woke up not 10 minutes after I measured him). But he is approximately 26" and his head circumference was somewhere between 17 & 18" (again, approximate as he was asleep). For those that are curious about such things, I plugged the numbers into a pediatric growth chart calculator and it said 85th for weight, 48th for height and 43rd for head.

He has started making "consonant sounds." Primarily he seems to use them when he's upset. One night he was not happy about being awakened when leaving a restaurant and the whole way home it truly sounded like he was saying "Bad dada. Bad mama." He also does "mama" or "mum mum" when he seems upset. I don't know if he really is asking for me or just making noises. Probably just making noises.

He also is showing more interest in the cats. He watches them and reaches out to pet them from time to time. He's sitting up fairly well, supported. Has very good head control.

We have just moved to 6 - 9 month clothes. So we were only in 3 - 6 size for about 2 months. Can you believe it?! But the 3 - 6's were just getting too small! I wasn't comfortable putting him in skin tight clothes when I prefer things a little looser on me.

I guess that's all the news. So, this'll be the last post of 2012. It's been a FANTASTIC year! From finding out that we were going to be having a baby to having this amazing, beautiful, funny and all around wonderful little boy.

On to the pictures!

Wearing his Big Bang Theory onesie. I'm sure his gifter thought that he would never fit into it since she gave it to us when he was just wee itty bitty, but here he is, not quite 5 months old wearing a 6 - 12 month size onesie!

He LOVES this thing. He has an exersaucer at daycare and we thought we'd get him something similar, yet different. This thing the floor "bounces" somewhat. It's got bungee cords holding the corners so it moves a little. 



This is a chair similar to a bumbo but with a full circular tray and wider base. It also isn't as soft and squishy as a bumbo. But Mom found this at her consignment sale. He likes it alright. 

A little more into it today. Really reaching and playing with the toys.

Totally confused because I gave him a bath in the morning instead of in the evening before bed. But I wanted to have a fresh clean baby for all the visiting we were going to be doing. 

Cousin Sammy is much more interested in Xavier than he was 2 months ago! Xavier still enamored by the ceiling fan and lights.

They grew to enjoy each other's company a little more later. 

I LOVE this picture! I can't wait for the boys to continue to grow and get to know each other and really play. What a difference 2 months makes! The last time they were together was in mid October. 

I also love this picture. Sammy is into giving kisses now and he wanted to give his cousin a kiss. LOVE!

I love my baby!

Play time with a Christmas present.

sleepy boy after two days of traveling and seeing family. Lookin' dapper though!

Sleepy Mommy too

Two teeth!

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