Monday, December 17, 2012

19 weeks

Trying to get a quick post in while wee man is sleeping. Fingers crossed I get everything in I want to before he wakes up!

So, we've had a big week, couple weeks? Something like that.

On 12/11 Xavier had a bad day at daycare. They said he cried the whole day and wouldn't calm with his pacifier or anything. When I got home, I discovered we have our first tooth that has broken through the skin! I have not taken his necklace off of him since then and we have not had an inconsolable day again since then that I can think of. I can't honestly remember if he was wearing his necklace on that day or not.

On 12/14, I witnessed him fluidly go completely from back to belly and then on to back again. Usually he would do a 3/4 roll and kind of stay there. But now he regularly goes all the way over and then holds his head and chest up high. He also looks like he's trying to figure out the whole crawling thing, but he can't quite get his belly off the ground yet. ;-) Poor thing. When I saw him go all the way full circle I yelled "Rob! Xavier just did a barrel roll!" Poor thing's lip started to quiver so I think I scared him with my exclamation. So I quickly said "Yay! such a big boy! Good job!!" and smiled really big. Which he then realized he did a good thing and started laughing. He probably laughed for a minute straight.

Speaking of him laughing, per popular request, I have another video of him laughing.

And yesterday, I got out a toy for him that I hadn't been sure if he was big enough for or not, but I went ahead and got it out for him. He wasn't quite sure what to do with it, but he caught on quickly. Here's a video I took earlier. This was right before he REALLY caught on and started making it make noise over and over.

It seems like there was something else I was going to mention, but maybe not. So, here's some pictures. I hope that two videos and pictures makes up for the lack of a post last week. ;-)

Xavier's 4 month picture. I have a frame that has spaces for a picture every month from newborn to 1 year. So this will be his 4 month picture.

"Look Mom! I can make it make noise!!"

I had a bad day at work and REALLY wanted a big chewy brownie. Rob sent me this picture to show me what Xavier picked to help Mommy feel better. :-) I love my guys!

First tooth!! Juuust peeking through. Bottom right tooth. This picture was HARD to get! And the tooth is coming through more still, but I haven't tried to take another picture yet.

OK so every time Rob plays video games, Xavier HAS to turn and watch. No matter what I try. He will move himself into the most uncomfortable looking positions so he can watch Rob play! 

And that's all until next time!

I remembered what else I was going to say!! Xavier has started with the consonant sounds! Da da and ba ba! Just babbling but still exciting to have another milestone.

He also blows raspberries and clicks his tongue.

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