Tuesday, September 11, 2012

weeks 4 & 5 (1 month!)

So sorry for the delay posting. I have been meaning to, but we had another bout of cluster feeding and then I also went through a really tired period where I was trying to just sleep when Xavier was sleeping. But I feel rested today and Xavier is napping for the moment so I just thought I'd try to put up a quick post.

There are a couple of memories that I wanted to make sure to capture in the blog even though they don't directly pertain to these weeks.

1) I don't think I ever wrote about when we took Xavier out for the first time. He was just like a day or two old and Rob and I were so proud and excited and couldn't wait to have people ask about him and comment on how cute he was and everything. We took him to Wal-Mart because we needed to get some things. Normally people ooh and ahh over babies but not one person commented on him other than the greeter. It was very disappointing.

2) It is a weird experience when I get calls for Xavier's appointments "Are you Xavier's mother?" I mean, yes, I am, but it's weird to get calls for him.

3) It's stopped now, but when he was just a couple days to week or so old, his skin was peeling really badly.  I remember having had a dream while still pregnant that the baby had peeling skin like a sunburn but he didn't look sunburned. So that was kind of weird to have that happen. Fortunately, the other things that happened in that dream didn't happen (the baby was talking and rolling his eyes at me for being so silly about something)

In more pertinent news, Xavier has gotten a lot more fun. He's not COMPLETELY just sleep, eat, need a diaper change. He has started a little of his baby noises like ooh's ahh's coos etc. Also he smiles a lot more. And gradually getting more awake time.

I took a video this morning of him smiling and cooing but it looks like my phone didn't save it. :( However, here are some pictures taken over the last two weeks.

I think this was Sunday 9/9. 

9/10 - Enjoying Daddy cuddles.

The one below, I took this because this is how he sleeps a lot when he falls asleep nursing. I think it's really cute. This was yesterday.

And this was this morning after a feeding I got up to do some things and he just looked so precious.

I just can't believe he's already one month old. :( I have 1 month left before I go back to work on October 9. *sighs* I don't want to leave him, but these things have to happen.

And here's just a couple more pictures that I found that I hadn't posted yet.

This was on 9/2. Zelda likes to cuddle but I always make sure it's supervised. This happened to be after a feeding. It was just too cute.

And after the discussion about pacifiers last post, I did go ahead and try it. He doesn't take it consistently and it took some experimentation to find one he'd take, but this kind he will take occasionally. This was on 9/2 also.

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