Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 7

There's a lot that has been on my mind. This post will probably get a little rambly and ranty, but I promise there'll be cute pictures at the end. ;)

So, sometime after I wrote the last post, I got a call from my short term disability "specialist" informing me that whoopsie, she just "estimated" that my return date would be the 9th. My return date is actually the 2nd. I go back to work this upcoming Tuesday. Needless to say, I'm heartbroken. I asked her several times before I accepted her answer that I was going to return on the 9th, and now her story is that it was just an estimate even though she had in her notes that she had told me the 9th. Yeah, yeah, a week is a week. But a week is precious time with my baby. So much changes in just a week when they're this age. A week is a major milestone. But, it is what it is.

Then, this past Friday, I get a call from Cookeville Regional Hospital informing me that they had claims denied for Xavier. I didn't know why since I thought I had done everything I needed to do in order to have him added to the insurance. So I started making phone calls. Turns out, the people who handle short term disability are not the same people, even though it's the same phone number, as the people who do the benefits and insurance information. Who knew? Everyone I have told about this has told me that they would have been under the same understanding. You call an 800# and there is no message saying they're transferring you to a different company, though, my "specialist's" explanation as to how I should have known is "Well, there are different options." Yeah, there are different options when I call any other 800#, including the one I work for, and I still get to the same company, just different departments.

The long and the short of it is, my baby is uninsured. I didn't report him to the appropriate department within the 31 day timeframe. And I so "conveniently" got a notice today, dated the 19th of September, that I had to report any changes to insurance due to a life event within 31 days of the life event. Thank you for that timely notification. *rolls eyes*

This week has been extremely emotional and difficult due to those two things all courtesy of my "specialist." I did file a complaint with their escalations department and will be filing a complaint with the contact person at my employer as well.

As far as true baby news, we think that Xavier has colic. In the evenings he will frequently cry and be inconsolable. He will show hunger signs, yet will refuse to eat and will just keep crying. Rob has experimented and discovered that the baby rocker that has a vibrate function soothes him as well as playing music by The Cure, in particular a song called Faith.

Today I had a lady tell me that he already is starting to look like a little boy. Sometimes when babies are young you can't really tell boy or girl but he looks all boy and looks like a miniature little boy. LOL

Also, I have started uploading the videos that I take on my phone to my youtube account. There are some videos that are not baby videos, but mostly everything is baby I think. You can access the videos at

And as promised, cute pictures!

Playing with Daddy on 09/18

Cuddling with Mommy on 09/24

Being a pirate baby on Talk like a Pirate Day 09/19

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