Sunday, June 24, 2012

33 weeks!

What a week! Started out with pelvic pain from having fallen asleep on the couch sitting upright. Moved on to the excitement of my nephew being born and realizing just how close we are getting!

I saw a picture of my brother holding his son and while I have seen B.J. holding babies before, this was different. This is HIS baby! Wow! It's hard to believe we are old enough to be having babies!

Now, I realize I'm 28 years old, he is 25. We definitely ARE old enough. And honestly, there are plenty of people who have children younger than us. But it's still kind of crazy. Even though I wanted this for SUCH a long time, it's like "Wow. This is really happening."

I don't know why even with all the preparations, all the stuff, the doctor appointments etc, it takes a baby actually making an appearance to make it "real."

Anyway... As far as me, I'm good. Tire easily still. I continue to be blessed by more and more gifts coming in. I am still working on organizing everything and sending out thank you notes. :)

Xavier is still quite active. I enjoy feeling him squirm and kick and move.

I won't have a "doctor appointment" update for me until next month. I was scheduled for training at work and then it got canceled after I had already rescheduled.

However, Wednesday I did get the pediatrician changed. I didn't get to meet any of the doctors because they don't allow prenatal consultations on the same day of the call. And I didn't know I wasn't going to have training next week. So I just signed the preregistration paperwork. I figure there are enough practitioners there that I will
easily find someone who will click with me. If not, there's still one more pediatrician office in town I'd consider.

Hoping to get a watermelon today. Been wanting some for days. :)

I guess that'll be all for now. :)

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