Sunday, June 10, 2012

31 weeks

Sorry this is late going up. I'm so tired lately. I just hadn't gotten around to it.

So, let's get to it!

As I stated, I'm tired. I've started laying down and at least closing my eyes for 15 - 30 minutes of my hour lunch break. Sometimes I can sleep, sometimes not.

Xavier has gotten quite big it feels like. Sometimes it is difficult to do things like lean a certain way depending on how/where he's chilling. I imagine that things are starting to get some cramped in there.

Tonight I had Rob feel my belly again while Xavier was being active since it feels quite a bit different than the early thumps and kicks. He said it was really awesome and very real feeling. The early kicks he felt could have just been a muscle twitch or something, but now you can really tell that there's a baby moving around in there. I agree. It's pretty awesome and incredible.

I've been really diligent this last week with going to the gym (except for yesterday where I still did 10,000 steps walking both Knoxville malls, and today that was just a lazy day). And (except for yesterday and today) was very diligent with tracking my food. We will see how it all has worked out at the dr on Wednesday! 

Had an interesting discussion with Rob this week. He asked how we were pronouncing Xavier. He wanted to know if we were going to pronounce it the Germanic way (which is probably the way most people we know would
pronounce it) or the French way (which is more like Zav-e-air). Just to reassure everyone, that's not going to be the pronunciation. It may end up being a nickname. But not the "official" pronunciation.

Received a gift from the registry this week. Thank you to Aunt Judy Peyrot and Cousin Jenny!! I am so glad to have the bouncer/rocker!! It was one of the major things I wanted!!

My mom gave me a BUNCH of picture and board books yesterday, so Xavier has quite the little library started. :)

Looking forward to the shower on Saturday!

Um... So... Yeah. Official word of the week is fatigue. I'll try to take a picture tomorrow. Too tired tonight.

Oh, I forgot I did take a picture on Friday. It's not the official one though.

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