Sunday, June 3, 2012

30 Weeks!

Wow! 30 weeks, which means "approximately" 10 weeks to go! That's crazy!

This weekend was another busy weekend baby related, however good stuff.

Yesterday, Saturday, we had our childbirth preparation class. It was good, but it was mostly stuff that I already knew. I do remember there were a few things here and there that were useful, but mostly it was just to fill a requirement. The woman who led the class was very nice and I am very glad we got to meet her. Since she is a doula she did show Rob a couple of things he could do to try to help my back if it was hurting. And we actually tried it on our own this afternoon and it does seem to have helped.

Also, I think it was on Wednesday, I found out that a woman who I've known for years actually has doula training and offered to be our doula. So today she came over and we talked for a while. She said she'd like to meet every week so we really get to know one another and get comfortable and everything. So very exciting.

Going to the gym has been good so far. I've been good and have gone every day, which, admittedly, has not been a whole week yet, but I still feel accomplished.

I also have started being more tired. I don't know if it's just that this past week has been odd because of my hours (I had to go in at 8:20 instead of 9 because of Memorial day. And then Saturday we had the birth class at 8am) or if it's just third trimester sleepies. But I have been making more of an effort to take a nap during my lunch break (and ended up taking one around the same time yesterday). Today I'm sleepy, but at this point of the evening it would be foolish to take a nap (It's 5:40pm)

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