Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May appointment #2

Well good news is blood pressure is down to normal. So my efforts to really watch sodium have helped. And my fluid is down almost normal too. They'll do another ultrasound in 2 weeks to make sure that it's still going down or is normal.

Bad news is I am apparently gaining weight faster than I should be. But I did stay steady/lost some towards the beginning so they're not TOO worried, but they want me to watch it. So, now I'm trying to make an effort to track my food again and Rob and I have been working for the past several minutes on figuring out a plan of exercise since I have NOT been doing that AT ALL and I knew that I should be, but I hadn't been. :(

So, the plan is (dumb as it seems) for me to join the gym that he and his friends, and some of my friends, go to. Yes, 7 months pregnant, joining a gym. They have treadmills and stationary bikes I think so I guess I'll be doing that. We figured it'll be more comfortable and safer than walking outside in the heat at 9pm. We had planned on me joining the gym after the baby was born anyway to help lose the baby weight and also continue on my weight loss journey. I don't know how quickly I'll be able to get back on that bandwagon after the baby's born, but if we already have the membership in place, I guess it's just as well.

The alternative was for us to try and find a treadmill to put in the basement, but I'm a) Not sure we could find one with a high enough weight capacity for us, b) a high enough weight capacity and our price range and c) Not sure it would actually get USED enough. If just one person is doing it by themselves it's a lot harder. Though it does have the benefit of not having to GO anywhere.

But the weight capacity/price for one with a high enough capacity was the bigger issue.

Anyway, that's where we stand now.

I also got to meet a different midwife than I had met before. I liked her too. My favorites are Robin and Annie now I think. Susan's OK, but I'm just more comfortable with Robin and Annie I think.

Edit: Rob added a picture after the jump.

Here is an image taken from the sonograms today

<a href=""><img
class="alignnone size-full wp-image-295" title="Xavier29wk"
alt="" width="560" height="536" /></a>

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