Thursday, March 1, 2012

Early pregnancy sum-up

Because the first trimester and first half of the second trimester was lost on the original blog, this is just kind of a summary.

On December 3, the day after Rob and my 6th marriage anniversary, I had been waiting on my period for several days. I really thought it was going to be coming any time. I was finally convinced by some of my friends from my online trying to conceive support group to take a pregnancy test.

Much to my shock and surprise, it was positive.

I called Rob, because he wasn't home and told him that I took a test and it was good. He had a friend with him and I didn't want to really announce it that way to our friends yet. 

My heart was racing and hands were shaking. I just couldn't believe that it was positive!

Rob came home and I showed him the test. As you can see from the above test, it was pretty light and he didn't really believe me that it was positive. He didn't want to get too excited.

So, within the next couple days I took some additional tests.

Rob still wasn't really comfortable until a computer screen told him. So, I did take a digital.

He finally believed me.

I had some frustration with getting doctor arrangements sorted out initially. Being that I have PCOS I was very concerned about getting into a doctor as soon as possible, however the local OBGYN office (OBGYN Associates) wouldn't take anyone for a certain period of time that was just unacceptable. It was sometime mid to late January. So I went ahead and made my appointment because I didn't know what options I would have.

I gave it a week or two, but then my next day off I went ahead and went to the birth center where I really WANTED to go, but I was afraid they wouldn't take me because of still being overweight despite having lost over 50, close to 60lbs before getting my positive pregnancy test. I finally went ahead and just walked in to see if they might consider me. I really wanted to see a midwife instead of a doctor. 

Amazingly enough they went ahead and took me back to see me that day right then and there. They said I wasn't considered "high risk" until they said I was "high risk."

The midwife I saw, Robin, was super supportive and enthusiastic. She also set up an appointment for me to come in the next week because it was right before Christmas and we wanted to announce the pregnancy to our families at Christmas and she said she thought we'd be able to see the heartbeat and a decent ultrasound. So we came back the next week and sure enough got to see the heartbeat. 

The really special thing was that the tech said the heartbeat was a little slow, but because of how early it was, he thought that the heart had just started beating earlier that day. If the appointment had been earlier in the day we probably wouldn't have caught it. 

It was really amazing.

I didn't really have any issues with morning sickness. There was a period of time when I just "knew" when it was 4pm because that's the time that I got nauseated every day. I felt better if I just ate a little bit though. 

I did learn about leg cramps. If I stretched my legs a certain way, they would cramp up really bad. 

I also had some fatigue. I would nap on my lunch breaks some. 

Mostly my "problems" were frustrated with being hungry all the time. I had never eaten at my desk between calls, but I started needing to bring things to snack on. 

I had a lot of crazy dreams, unfortunately, I can't remember them. 

We ended up getting a new bed before the end of the first trimester as I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to maneuver getting "in and out" of bed when we just had a mattress laying on the floor. 

I did a lot of old wives tale gender prediction and EVERYTHING all said girl. 

As of right now, that's all I can really remember about the first 1/2 of the pregnancy. If I remember anything else, I may try to make some more posts. The original blog's re-posts start at 03/21.

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