Saturday, September 7, 2013

13 months ;)

Rob's server had an issue so this is going to be the only location for the blog from here on out.

Sorry for the lack of post last week. We were chilling in Cincinatti!

Xavier is doing better and better with eating. It's a work in progress but we're trying hard.

He's also enjoying more drinks. Currently he likes taking sips of Daddy's tea and Daddy has introduced him to the deliciousness of orange juice (watered down to reduce the tartness and sugar content).

The iron supplements he is taking unfortunately are also taking a toll on his pearly whites. I'm very bothered by this but we were warned that it would happen. I'm trying hard to brush his teeth after we give him the supplement (I brushed his teeth anyway) but now they're grey and they don't look very good at the gum line. :( I feel so bad but I don't know what else to do. Hopefully once he no longer needs the supplement his teeth will go back to normal. Or worst case scenario when he loses them. I REALLY hope it's not the second. 4 - 5+ years is a long time to have ugly teeth. :( :(

We went to the zoo on Sunday the 1st. Unfortunately it wasn't the excitement that we thought it would be. He did get a big stuffed tiger though that he likes rather well.

I can't think of anything else really to talk about right now. So on to pictures!

Goofy boy with Daddy.

Little boy not wanting to sleep one night.

More selfies from the night he didn't want to sleep.

and one more.

playing with his straw on the way to Cincinatti

ready to go to the zoo and have new adventures! Thank you Aunt Judy for the great birthday outfit!

Bored waiting on Daddy to finish up saying goodbye to his friends at the tournament. We're gonna go to the zoo!

Watching a random kid get sunscreened while Daddy's figuring out our plan of action at the zoo.

Tasting Dippin' Dots at the zoo!

Less than 10 minutes in the car after exploring the zoo and he was already asleep. :)

Having fun spinning the wheels on his dump truck. Hands or feet. Either will do.

Trying pizza for the first time. He actually did really well. He didn't like me breaking off pieces entirely (that's not how Mom and Dad eat!) so I would take a little piece and tear it off to the point that he could pull it off once it was in his mouth. He kept coming back for more! Such a big boy!!

He looks so big in this picture!! Man! Rob sent me this picture yesterday during Daddy Day time.

Hmmm Orange juice? Don't mind if I do!

How is the orange juice, Xavier? YUMMY!

And finally from today, hanging out with Daddy at the card shop, being silly.

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