Friday, September 20, 2013

13 months week 3

We've had a big week food wise!!

Huge huge huge stride with food Sunday night. We went to Rib City and gave him a little chicken, baked beans, beef, pulled pork, baked potato, mini corn dog and applesauce. Then it was so funny he laid back in his high chair like "so full"

Also bought a new stroller that should last him a good bit. It drives really smoothly. I am very happy with it.

Monday night I made us some pasta for dinner and every bite he would say "nom." He ate a good bit! I was so proud! It may seem silly but until you are really worried about something your child is or is not doing and then the problem "corrects" itself, you might not understand. I even had done left over pasta that I packed up and sent with him to daycare on Tuesday. And when I picked him up from daycare his teacher said that he loved the left overs. :)

Tuesday night Rob made a pasta bake and he wasn't interested though.

Wednesday he took ownership of Rob's milkshake and would holler until Rob would let him have another sip.

Poor baby last night, Thursday night, was up a lot. Didn't eat much. Just wanted to nurse. Then he threw up several times. He didn't feel warm at all. But today Rob has said he has been very clingy and not wanting to eat. So I think the poor baby doesn't feel well. Hoping he feels better soon!

Saturday sharing Daddy's chicken nuggets. Rob said that he ate a whole chicken nugget piece by piece!

Also learning to climb! That kitty cubby has sense been moved.

Kisses for Cloud.

Cloud Boy makes a good pillow.

Cutie patootie

hanging out with mommy.

This was at Rib City after he ate so much. So Full!

Chilling in the new stroller at Daddy's office eating Veggie Straws.

Today being a cuddle monster not wanting to eat. Just cuddle.
And just a few moments after that last picture. Finally napping

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