Wednesday, February 13, 2013

27 weeks

This week has been full of sick baby. :( The doctor said as long as he's still sleeping and eating well and the cough is not affecting his ability to breathe to try not to worry. But I do still worry. He sounds like he hurts so much when he coughs. But there's nothing I can really do other than try to comfort him and make sure he continues to nurse and sleep.

I don't really have a whole lot of pictures from the last two weeks for some reason. I'm also experimenting with using my new iPad to write this blog to see how it goes... Here's hoping that I can upload easily since this is replacing my laptop!

OK so... a little cumbersome putting the pictures up the way I used to. Unfortunately I don't directly have a way to see the dates anymore. I used to just hover over the images and they would give me the dates. And I'm writing this as a hybrid between the blogger app and the full website. aye aye aye!

OK so this is Xavier's "cuddle spot" He naps very well here and it helps because it's an incline so he can breathe a little easier here. But he'll nap for HOURS here. I believe this picture was Saturday 02/09 when Nichol was watching him.

This I believe was Sunday, 02/10, but maybe Monday, 02/11. We were just hanging out in the morning cuddling with Zelda.
Another snuggle spot picture. I think again on Monday...

Monday he was SO fussy. He didn't want anything. Wouldn't take a nap but also was super grumpy. This was a picture of grumpy sleepy face.

Here's where he was all amazed at the stack of boxes that arrived for Rob and me on Monday.

Here's proof that Xavier does cry sometimes. (some people have said they don't believe he ever cries.)

And when Daddy came home on Monday this is Xavier liking the feel of the cool smooth metal of the Mac Mini.

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