Monday, February 25, 2013

Ummm 28 & 29 weeks?

Whew! I am so sorry that I have not posted in such a long time. I have somewhat of an excuse though!

I think it was Wednesday the 13th I noticed some spots in Xavier's mouth and was afraid it was thrush. I couldn't tell for sure and thought maybe I was just being paranoid. Friday when I came home from work, there was full on patchiness which is reflected in the first two pictures in this post. So, that night I went to Kroger and got some Genitian Violet to treat it. The next three pictures show his purple mouth from the treatment. Luckily I didn't have any signs, but I treated myself as well.

Sunday I went to a friend's house to get somethings to make homemade probiotics to help battle the Thrush as well.

Monday we went to hang out at a different friend's house and were gone pretty much all day between errands and hanging out.

I believe the pictures of Xavier in glasses are from Monday night... Maybe Tuesday night. But you can still see some purpleness.

Anyway, so Tuesday night towards the end of my shift, I started to feel sick. Now, I had tried some of my homemade probiotics on Sunday and Monday and a little on Tuesday morning. I didn't think I'd taken much and I knew when starting probiotics not to take much which is why I limited myself to around an oz each time. But Tuesday night I started feeling really sick.

Wednesday I felt more sick, but luckily it's my short day so I don't go in until 3:30 so I went in anyway. Towards the end of my shift I was feeling not so good at all and was asking to leave early. I didn't get to, but didn't expect I would either.

When I got home that night I could barely eat. Xavier had been fussy most of the day but he also had his 6 month doctor's appointment (which I didn't think he was feeling well either because when I strapped him into his carseat for Rob to take him, he vomited. Like not a spit up, but it was bigger and more forceful than any of his spitups ever have been.) and he got some shots so we were expecting that he might be some fussy. The picture of him on my lap reflects how both of us felt that night. I couldn't stomach the pizza that you see in the background and all Xavier wanted was to be held. He didn't want to be on the floor playing like usual. He cried and just wanted to be snuggled. While I didn't mind the snuggling, I knew something was wrong because he hardly ever wants to just stay still like that.

All Wednesday night I was so nauseated I could barely sit upright. Thursday I called out of work because Xavier still wasn't feeling well either and was warm, but I never took his temperature as he wasn't completely HOT.

So all day Thursday we cuddled and whimpered and were just overall miserable. Finally in the later afternoon on Thursday Xavier started acting like he was feeling some better and was willing to play. I was still sick however. Long story short, it was in the early Friday morning hours that I finally felt better.

But that's my explanation as to why there wasn't a post last week. haha

Xavier's Thrush seemed to be better by Tuesday I think it was... But now I've wondered if it's come back. There's a little patchiness but I haven't started the purple stuff again. AS you can see from the pictures, it's MESSY. I'm going to give it another day or two and see if it continues to stick around. If so, we'll treat again.

We're in a "squealing" phase. Everything is a high pitched squeal. You can tell because he is smiling that they're happy squeals, but they are squeals none the less.

Still not crawling or sitting up really. He does roll quite efficiently though.

Oh! Doctor stats! On Wednesday Rob tells me that he was 21 pounds and 26.5 inches long. The doctor said that he thought Xavier's cough was very mild reflux that didn't need medication. I'm not 100% convinced though. He has pretty much stopped coughing so either his stomach valve strengthened faster than expected, or it was a cold that he's now pretty much over. Because it started too suddenly and has stopped too suddenly to be reflux in my opinion. But whatever it was, I'm glad he's better.

In the course of writing this post I have had to move him back from the doorway to the dining room twice. He just rolls and rolls and rolls!

Because Xavier is 21 pounds now, and we do HAVE the new carseats, just haven't installed them yet, part of my task for the day will be to go to the police station and have them install the new carseat into my car. Not looking forward to no longer having the carrier, but really he was getting too heavy to realistically carry in that thing anyway.

Well, this post has gotten long. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

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