Wednesday, March 6, 2013

30 weeks 7 months!

I cannot believe we are already basically 7 months old! It does not seem like my baby should be on this side of a year old already!

We have finally moved him completely into the convertible car seat so no more baby carrier. Which means it's interesting going shopping and going out to eat because we can't just easily carry him in the car seat. We have to make sure to have blankets to cover him and if he's asleep we have the difficult decision of if we wake him up or wait it out. I also have extra steps I have to make on Tuesdays and Thursdays (and any other day I have to take him to a care taker) because I can't just load up with everything all at the same time. My 22 pound baby takes both arms to securely carry to the car, so any bags (diaper bag, purse, pumping bag, lunch bag, etc) have to be carried separately. 

With him being nearly 7 months old, and seeing him look so grown up sitting in the shopping cart and in a high chair at a restaurant, I decided it's time to go ahead and try solid food. This did NOT go as I expected. I'd been holding off for so long because I figured he would take to solid food and not want anything to do with breastfeeding any longer. I couldn't be more wrong! I tried giving him a few pieces of banana that he could play with and feed himself. He touched it and cringed. I guess he didn't like the sticky coldness. So we then took those pieces of banana that he wouldn't eat himself and mashed them up with a little breastmilk and spooned it towards him. He made the worst faces and gagged without having any of it REALLY in his mouth. So, we decided maybe it was still too chunky for him, so we tried some pureed pears since I had a lot of babyfood that some friends had given me. He did a LITTLE better with the pears, but still did not really like them. So, I don't feel as bad because he obviously is not really ready. We will keep trying little tastes so he can keep getting used to them, but not really push the solids. Which I'm fine with that. I am not in a hurry for him to grow up.

I did try some more bananas with him today and he wouldn't even touch them. 

Anyway... So we had that experience. We are also continuing to work on crawling. He's kind of getting a scoot/army crawl thing going. And we are lifting up on hands and knees a lot, but still no forward hand and knee traditional crawl. 

We also have gotten our third tooth. Top right center. It's just starting to poke through but it's there!

And I finally opened up a toy he got for Christmas that my phone fits in with a baby app. He really enjoyed playing with it. 

As part of starting solids, I got him a sippy cup to put water in to drink along with his solid foods. Xavier loved the cup and wouldn't let go of it in the store so I decided that must be "the one." He hasn't quite gotten the hang of it, but he does enjoy playing with it.

He loves playing with feet. And he also got a cute new hat from his Grandma Anna.

Sorry for the disjointed nature. Trying to type and keep an eye on Lil' Guy at the same time. Anyway, a week's worth of pictures. Sorry for no dates. :(

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