Thursday, March 27, 2014

19 months

This has been a full month. I'm going to try to go over everything as best I can. 

This month was the month that Xavier had his teeth fixed. That was a very challenging time for us. We made it through without too much trouble.

 I am amazed at how his language skills and knowledge are growing by leaps and bounds. Last night he was very quickly learning a puzzle that he hadn't had much luck with before. It is awesome to watch him change.

I'm not really sure what all to write about this month as quickly as I can as I don't have much time. I may expand some upon the pictures.

I'm sorry so short. I just don't have time to write. Please enjoy the videos and the pictures though!

Xavier has recently started trying to wink. Here's a video.

And he dances for Daddy
Gangnam Style Dancing 

Visit from Granny

Goofy kid sitting on the top of the headboard.

Daddy just thought he was cute that day. He liked the shirt.

Playing outside. This month has been CRAZY weather wise.

Xavier and I have been taking walks together. The first night I took him in the stroller I put him in this cool leather jacket.

Ready to go!

I didn't get him buckled in because his coat was too thick. So I had a daredevil baby on my hands.

As always, cute while napping.

Not really sure what was going on here... Just generally in awe of how big he looks.

He was excited that I gave him whatever it was he asked for to eat. I don't remember what it was though.
He likes to decorate. He hung and took this craft from daycare up and down for a long time. He likes to hang it wherever he can find a place.

And cheer for himself after hanging it.

One day during our walk he fell asleep in the stroller.

Voluntarily eating bananas!! This was huge!

Still very attached to nursing. Cuddly baby.

Sweet boy.

Oh! I remember what was going on in the last couple pictures. He was SICK! Fevered baby and mommy cuddle time to make him feel better.

Feeling better already.

Learning how USB cords work.

It's hard work!

He asked for peanutbutter so I gave him some.

Eating a cookie like a big boy.
Being my Scentsy helper.
Smelling the things

Stacking! I was so excited to see him do this! I'd never seen him stack anything before

So I bought a potty chair just to have it on hand to be ready. He's not ready. LOL
Walking with his papers. Such a big boy.

Goofing off in the basket.

He put the hat on by himself if I'm remembering correctly. He thought he was hot stuff.
Climbed up the back steps all by himself. Enjoying outdoor play time freedom.

This was hard lesson day. He LOVES tins. He had a little Altoid's Mini tin which he decided to see if it fit down the drain in the basement floor. It does. His tin is now lost forever. And guess what! He did it again with his other tin. Lesson not learned. :-/

this was the last picture I took before his teeth were fixed. This was the night before his procedure.
At the hospital waiting.
More waiting.

Out of surgery visited by the therapy dog.

He loves dogs.

He was still a little loopy from anesthesia.

Much better. Not quite as loopy. And finally happy. He was MAD coming out of anesthesia.

Brand new smile!

As you can see he had some caps put on his top molars too. In the back they're silver. In the front they're white.

Stealing my smoothie.

Mommies are comfy.

Creative little kid! Took my new blender's box and used it as a stool to get up to the table!

Put the hat on himself. So proud.

I made avocado chocolate pudding. He LOVED IT.
He is so creative and smart. He dragged his potty from the bathroom to his room so he could use it as a stool to turn on/off the lights. He's very into turning the lights on and off now. I have to let him do it most days.

He's trying to use Daddy's phone charger to charge Daddy's DS. Didn't work, but he's so smart!!

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