Monday, August 3, 2015

June & July

This post will start out really with end of May stuff. Just our vacation was too much to try to put in the last post.

I am blown away with how much Xavier is growing and changing in just this two month time frame. And not really body growth but mentally, verbally, emotionally.

On vacation Xavier loved all things escalator (or "Funny Stairs" as we called them).

Lately Xavier has been learning about names. He knows that Daddy's name is "Robert." He was calling me "hon" until we let him know that my name is Annaka, so now he says it kind of like "au-kah" and of course he is Zaver.

We can carry on conversations somewhat, though he does still repeat a lot. So if you ask him something he'll often just repeat what you say rather than answering the question.

He says "yes" and "ok!" for affirmative answers and he sometimes will say "no" but for the last week or so it's been "Nah."

The major "excitement" besides vacation was I ended up hospitalized at the very end of July for my gallbladder. I ended up having a blockage in my bile duct, which was removed by a procedure Tuesday afternoon, but did not have my gallbladder out. It's still undetermined if I will or not. They're calling it an elective surgery but need $1000 upfront before performing the surgery so since we don't have $1000 for now I'm holding on to it. I do have slight discomfort regularly after eating even if it is something low fat (as I'm trying hard to try to keep to the low fat the hospital directed me to be on) so I'm thinking despite my wishes I may still end up having to have it out. Just don't know when.

Next post I'm going to try harder to jot down all the funny things he says and does rather than just trying to remember when I type it all up. So much happens in the course of a month, let alone two, that I miss a lot. Time just goes by so fast.

Every day he does and says things that make me laugh.

Right now I'm going to go through my Facebook posts to try to grab some funny things that happened.

June 3
Oh my gosh. My 2 year old just looked up at me and said "eat bugs." He put an ant in his mouth. A few moments later he's spitting and said "bugs gross."

June 16
So proud of my boy. He told me he had to go potty and since I'm laid up unable to move from this bug I asked him to tell his dad. So he called at the top of the stairs "Daddy help me please! Potty. Stop right away. Help me please Daddy potty!" And sure enough, big boy pooped in the toilet.

June 18
My son just demanded silly cat videos on YouTube. And now he's cackling.

(side note, this is now a regular thing. Must watch cat videos all the time)

June 27
So I was starting to get dressed and after putting on my shirt Xavier cried "No! Raindrop shirt!" Apparently I can't choose my own clothes. Xavier must pick his clothes and mine.

July 3
The toddler independent stage is amusing. "Zaver do it" then he kissed his own booboo on his knee. That was interesting to watch.

July 4
Green grapes are now "green blueberries"

July 12
LOL so Xavier has been on a "self service booboo kissing" stage. "Zaver do it." He got really confused trying to figure out how to kiss his own head bump. So I still got to kiss a booboo.

July 20
Xavier makes me laugh. Last night he was thanking me for giving him his sunglasses and said "Thank you hon." Just now he was thanking Rob for giving him the car he couldn't find and said "Thank you, Robert."

July 20
I caught Xavier saying "Like comment and subscribe" the other day. Someone likes YouTube.

July 22
This kid. He announced to me when I picked him up that he scared Becca (his teacher). So I asked what he did. He said "climbing fence." ðŸ˜œ

July 25 was one of the days I was sick with gallbladder issues. I posted:
Xavier was sweet to rub and pat my back while puking. But immediately after he said "Feel better? Nurse now?"
No, son. I'm not pressing your active little body against my upset stomach.

July 30
My almost 3 year old just nearly gave me a heart attack. He decided to open a package of Smarties he found somewhere with a paring knife. I heard him say "Cut it open" and went to see what SCISSORS were in his reach. ðŸ˜³

This was on our way to Georgia as we flew out of Georgia.

The whole way through the airport Xavier was begging for a toy plane. So, Rob being the good daddy that he is, first opportunity got Xavier a toy plane. And of course, can't leave home without one of his Lightning McQueen cars.

Toy plane!

First time on a plane!

Yay plane ride!

He fell asleep pretty quickly into takeoff.

Rob ordered himself a drink and Xavier a water but the attendant thought he meant a water for him and for Xavier. So we got a lot of water.

Xavier slept through it though and I ended up drinking his water too.

I think this was around the Grand Canyon.

We rode a Limo on the way from the airport to the hotel. As it was not too far and a fast trip and Xavier and I sat on the rear facing seat I didn't mess with trying to install his carseat.

Rob and the other judge we were staying with on the opposite seat.

Our ride at the hotel.

Xavier making himself at home on our bed.

Breakfast the next morning!

Breakfast with Daddy before he went to judge. 

Xavier LOVED the elevator!

We went to the Strip with my friend Al and we had to wait for things to open.

First place the kid wants to go? Hershey's Chocolate store.

Yay for Mommy's favorite! Reese's!

Xavier wanted to check out the water.


M&M's store!

The M&M store was very cool. I was in awe of the M&M wall.

Xavier didn't really want to sit down for pictures though.

Loved the race car!

Quite a bit.

He really wanted to have his picture taken with Hello Kitty. Not really sure why. We ran out of singles to pay people at this point so we just kind of tried to steer away from photo ops after that.

My friend Al and Xavier looking at the water at the Bellagio waiting for the water show to start. We ended up being quite a bit early.

Walking around Vegas was tiring. So we slipped into a casino and sat on the floor and nursed and napped for a little while.

Xavier LOVED the "Funny Stairs." He did so well holding the railing.

Look at that face!!

Relaxing after we got back to the room.

Xavier stole Al's phone and she doesn't have a pass code lock on it like Rob and I do so Xavier took pictures and made movies.

Breakfast the next morning. Xavier loves muffins.

We went to Al's house to have a relaxing afternoon/evening and home cooked meal. Discovered Xavier likes corn on the cob!

And water guns!

"Quirt you, Mommy!"

And we all know that Xavier loves dogs. Al's brother and his girlfriend have two dogs which Xavier loved to play with.

Exercising with Al.

Having a heart to heart with Harley.

The flight home, Xavier colored these pictures on an app. Thought I'd share.

At some point, Xavier got several books in his cubby at school. I didn't order them but his teacher insisted they were his. So thank you mystery book gifter. He loves these books.

Ice cream sundae day at school.

Both boys like laying on the couch. Xavier style

Iroh style.

One night both boys were just rambunctious. So I decided to take them for a walk. We ended up doing like 3 or more miles. Puppy Roh worn out.

Xavier being silly with his potty chair seat.

There was a food fair in town with local vendors. This was a shot I took when we sat down to enjoy some Italian Ice.

Picture mommy bath time?


We went to visit Grandma Anna and Aunt Em at the Knoxville zoo and got Xavier and Em unlimited passes for the train. I can't remember how many times they rode any more but it was 5 or more.

Waiting is hard.

But it can be fun with the right companion.

Silly faces.

When's it gonna be our turn again?

Time to play

Grandma help?

Climbing 'pillar.

Because he liked the train so much, Grandma got him a toy zoo train at the zoo to remember it by.

Playing doctor.

Even trains need doctors sometimes I suppose.

Hello, Puppy Roh.

Playing with the train at home too.

See my train?

So I was trying to do my workouts... It was yoga day. I lay down my mat and this happened.

So I pulled out my second mat and Xavier joined me. This is an Xavier Downward Dog.

And then he just decided to climb all over me.

Who's that lurking in the grass?

My guys minus Cloud Boy.

Sometimes you're given 2 days notice that you have to dress up for work and you panic and dread doing it, but when you do it anyway you like the results.

Bribed the boy with "ice cream" (frozen yogurt) if he let me get his hair cut.

Such a big boy.

First movie in a theater! We went to see Inside Out and he had a GREAT time seeing a movie on the Giant Screen and eating popcorn.

Dinner after the family movie time.

Movie was such a success that we decided to start having family movie night every Thursday. So I have started popping popcorn and we all sit together on the couch and watch movies together. We all love family night! But don't you dare forget the popcorn!

"Hair all wet, Mommy. Zaver hair all wet!"

"See my badge and Lightning?"

He was mad at me and I was trying to make him smile.

 Mommy win.

Sorry, Puppy Roh, no ants on a log for you.

I mostly try to keep this about Xavier. But every now and then I have a success on me that I just can't wait to share. I went to Goodwill on 99c day and saw this shirt. For 99c I was planning on buying it anyway but thought I'd try it on just to see. I felt like it fit. This is a size small!! I was SO amazed.

And I got new rainbow colored hair.

But the following Friday I showed up to work a whole hour early for my shift. I was a sad girl. (I had traded someone who needed Friday off so I worked their 9-5:30 Friday and was off the prior Wednesday when I got my hair done and Goodwill shopping done. For some reason I thought the shift started at 8)

OK back to Mommy/Xavier time. Love my cuddle buddy.

We went over to a friend's house who had just gotten a water table for her little boy who's around 6 months younger than Xavier. They had Bomb Pops after playing. This was Xavier's results.


OK so one more selfie. The guy who watches Iroh while I'm at work now gave me a flower for my hair one morning. I just had to take a picture.

You'd never guess this kid was raised with cats, would you? If it fits it sits.

Xavier requested ice cream, so I treated him as he was being a pretty good boy and was missing Daddy while he was at a tournament.

This was a huge success for me. In his nearly 3 years I have successfully slipped out from under a sleeping child maybe twice before. He stayed asleep a good long while too.

Daddy and babers watching TV eating biscuits. Xvier loves biscuits.

While I was at work, Daddy set up an iPad and snack station for Xavier at the card shop.

Sometimes you just have to sit back and let the pre-schooler help with tasks that would be much faster/easier to do alone. Salad spinning is one of those tasks.

Sleepy time for the boys.

I slipped out AGAIN! Out from under the dog and the boy!!

Sheesh. This kid has a lot of cars. I've started making a rule that all toys must be picked up before bed. I like to exercise in the morning before work in the living room and it was just taking too much time to clean before I could workout.

I got a new cup for him that's actually a trainer cup to help with learning how to use an open top cup. It's got an insert to help slow the flow. He's a little old for it, but it still works.

This is what the silly boy does at restaurants. Pretends his straw is a snorkle. He says he is "diving."

the cars were having a meeting I guess? He was very carefully aligning them and rearranging over and over.

Xavier asked for a green Popsicle. Rather than buying something that was just sugar water, I made a green smoothie that was pretty sweet and put it in Popsicle molds. He said it was good, then immediately after this picture said he didn't want to finish it. Oh well.

There was a back to school thing that happened in town and there were characters dressed up. Xavier was excited to see Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

This was by FAR his favorite thing though. This giant obstacle course. He had to do it 3 times. He would have done it more but I got tired of standing in the heat in the long lines holding his squirming body because he wouldn't just stand and wait his turn.

Running with the big kids though.

this thing was HUGE.

Sliding down

The bouncy ground was hard to walk on though.

Go again?

Minnie was also there.

But we ended up at the fountain.

This place was so stressful for me. So many people all running around. You'd hope that they'd all be decent being that it's a small town, but you never know.

"All wet, Mommy. Zaver all wet!"

We ended up going the next day also, this time with actual swimming gear.

Huge. Just huge. Normally Xavier peels his corn dogs and eats the hotdog and maybe the cornbread but definitely separate. First time ever eating it all together.

Furboys looking at each other.

Favorite shirt.

Playing with his cars. Small Lightning's in giant Mac.
Introduced to the joy of YooHoo. Xavier calls them "hoo hoo"

Gotta sit back and relax with your Hoo Hoo.

National Ice Cream day, Xavier got blue ice cream.


Drive in movie?

While I was in the hospital with gallbladder issues, Xavier stayed with Grandma Anna. This is one of the pictures she sent me to show how he was doing.

First meal, Tuesday evening, after not having really eaten since Friday night. It was simple but tasted AMAZING.

Another picture from Grandma Anna showing me how he was doing while I was in the hospital.

Xavier was very glad to have me home. We watched a movie together Friday night and this is how he kept me for a good long while.

But he did tell me he missed Daddy. (Daddy was at a tournament)

And that's everything for July! Next post will have birthday fun!

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