Saturday, June 8, 2013

10 months!

Another month down. I can't believe that in just 2 months, Xavier will be a year old! This year has gone by so quickly. Possibly even faster than last year. Though I'm not completely sure.

This week I didn't take a lot of pictures for some reason. Not sure why. We did have a learning experience though. I'll explain more when I get to that picture.

We're continuing to learn how to pull up on things and wanting to stand more and more. No new teeth have come through yet. Finally no longer coughing/stuffed up! And I think it was on Wednesday hands and knees crawling for the first time. But only in preparation to pull up on something. He will pop up to hands and knees to fine tune getting close to something. It's still faster to army crawl. And man is he fast with that!

Tomorrow we are going to try a little road trip by ourselves to go to the Knoxville area. We will see how that goes.

Again, not a whole lot happened this week really. Latest thing is taking a very late nap (like at 6 or 7pm) and then not wanting to go to sleep at bedtime so he's had a lot of Daddy hang out time at night.

Anyway, on to pictures.


Here's the picture I was talking about. Xavier is learning about priorities. Or something. LOL So he has a small bookshelf in his room with..well...books on it. He has always been interested in books and now he is taking it upon himself to look at books on his own from his bookshelf. Well, he pulled himself up on his bookshelf and then pulled a book off. Well then he was stuck. He wanted to look at the book but couldn't very well standing. So he didn't know what to do. He held on to the book and let go of the bookshelf. But this caused his balance to be off which caused him to fall forward into the bookshelf. Which caused this black eye. He cried, I cuddled, and everything was OK. And the bruise is even gone now.

Here's him playing with an upright/push toy.

And that was it for my pictures. Here are pictures that Rob texted me.

Sitting on the top of Daddy's car.

Playing with Daddy's jug of tea.

Late night Daddy cuddles while Mommy sleeps.

Daddy cuddles while Mommy works.

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