Saturday, June 1, 2013

9 months 3 weeks

Full week this past week!

Sunday we had a lot of fun. We went over to a friends house for a little party and there were other little boys there. A 3yo, 2yo and 17mo and Xavier at 9 months. We spent several hours there. Xavier played with Mega Blocks and enjoyed looking at a picture of a cat and made trilling noises to the picture. He did not take a nap all day though with all the excitement. I kept expecting him to buy he didn't. Then we went to another friend's house for a more adult party. We sat on the couch pretty much the whole time. But he enjoyed watching the fish in the fish tank and getting loved on by the dog. Everyone kept saying they figure we will need a dog and soon. I say Xavier isn't big enough to take care of a dog and me working, caring for Xavier and attempting to care for a house and 4 cats is way too much to bring a dog in the mix. While it was fun to watch them interact, our house is just too small for a dog as well.


Tuesday morning on my first break I was called by daycare to tell me that Xavier had a fever of 100.7. I left work so that I could keep him home and comfort him while he was sick. It also helped me rest to try and get better myself.

Through the rest of the week he's been sick with a very stuffy nose, as have I. But I'm finally better and last night he was giggling and crawling all over me and giving me kisses while I was trying to get to sleep so I could come in to work this morning.

Luckily he hasn't had any more fevers, though he has had rough nights because of difficulty breathing while sleeping and also he can't nurse very well with his nose clogged up and that's how he usually sleeps is nursing.

I can't believe that we are a week away from him being 10 months old!

There are a lot of things he still doesn't do that I guess I'm a little concerned about. He won't move to a "sitting" position by himself. He can get out of a sitting position and go to crawling but not vice versa. He also still just does the "army crawl" though he's getting close to hands and knees crawl.

He does pull himself up on the couch, but not really crusing. I thought he had started a week or two ago, but he doesn't seem to still be doing that so much. Once he stands he is fine until he's tired of it then he kind of panics.

I can't think of anything else this week really. It was full of being sick all week basically.

On to some pictures.

Trying a different carrier that I am borrowing from our photographer. This one ties rather than buckles so it has a little more flexibility.

Xavier and Daddy hanging out.

Monday night Xavier really needed a bath, but he had fallen asleep in my arms after I had already rubbed coconut oil on his scalp to try and moisturize his dry scalp. I debated on what to do since I know you're not supposed to wake a sleeping baby, but ultimately because his scalp was all greasy with the coconut oil, I decided to go ahead and wake him and bathe him. It actually ended up going well and he enjoyed his bath quite a bit.

The other night this is how he fell asleep in my arms.

Friday Rob sent me this picture of Xavier "typing" on the keyboard attached to the Mac Mini and TV.

He also enjoyed playing with the mouse and the red light.

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