Thursday, October 16, 2014

September and October apparently

Same old song and dance. It gets harder and harder to actually make time to post. Day to day life is just that. Day to day. I try to remember to make note of cute things that Xavier does because I know all too soon the little things will be forgotten.

This post was supposed to be just September, and then before I realized it, it's already halfway through October. 

Xavier has a friend. Every time I pick him up from daycare this one little boy always comes up to say goodbye. And then Xavier proceeds to say his name over and over. It's so cute. Furthermore often times he will talk about wanting to go play with Mason at school. One morning I even heard him say "Mason" in his sleep. 

Little things that Xavier does are so funny. Normally I weigh before he and Rob wake up on Friday mornings but one day I weighed after X was awake. I let him weigh first and then when he got off he watched me get on the scale. He then cheered "Yay mama yay!" and clapped for me.

He is boy through and through. He will pass gas then grin or giggle and say "fart" or "butt"

Obsession with cars continues. The only shirts worth wearing must have a vehicle on them of some sort, preferably Lightning McQueen or another Cars character (he likes Mater a lot too)

I continue to be so amazed with his eating now. Such a big change from a year ago. He will try pretty much anything. He's a huge fan of chicken. He also asks for "cereal [with] milk." 

Vocabulary is growing all the time.

I love to hear him sing. I think that's what this video is. I think this video is my attempt to get him to sing Twinkle Twinkle. I need to get a better one because he wasn't cooperating. Usually when we get to "diamond in the sky" he kind of growls diamond. It's so funny.

We just are getting over a scare with croup. Monday when he came home from daycare he had a little bit of a wheeze which Rob didn't think anything of it. But then in the early morning hours on Tuesday I woke up around 1:30 am because Xavier was gasping for breath and kind of had a cough that was a barking sound. I figured it was croup based on that alone so I scooped him up and immediately took him to the bathroom and turned the shower on hot full blast and closed ourselves up in there to get the steam to help him breathe. He was able to breathe and nurse better so we went back to bed. Rob stayed home with him but he still wasn't great and Rob had work he needed to do so I left at my lunch break and took Xavier to the doctor who confirmed croup and recommended I keep doing what I had done. He also got a steroid shot in his leg ("Doctor. Hurt. Better?") to try to hopefully make Tuesday night not as bad. Whether it's the continued nursing helping to fight off illness or the steroid shot or the preventative long hot steam before bed on Tuesday night, he did much better. Then Wednesday Rob stayed home with him and this morning, Thursday, took him back to the doctor for a follow up visit. He did have a slight fever this morning before I left for work and he did have a bit of a wheeze still, but I tried to keep him propped up and by the time he got to the doctor his temperature was normal.

He's apparently been a really good boy with Rob on his work trip today too. So proud of him!

Another big thing this month while not as much about Xavier, but for me. We had a scare in September where one day my car was not starting consistently and even stalled while we were in the road with Xavier in the car with me. So we went to look at cars and I now have a brand new Nissan Versa Note 2014 model. I'm very happy to have a new car, though I am grateful for the long time my old 1997 Nissan Altima lasted.

Also Xavier now calls Grandma Anna "Ma". I'm "mama" or "mommy" and Rob is "dada" or "daddy." So cute to have names. :)


Xavier playing matching bears with a set that Grandma Anna mailed him.

Mowing with his lawnmower he got for his birthday from Aunt Judy.

Mommy finally put bubbles in it for him.

What's a monthly post without a mommy and Xavier picture?

Xavier showing off his HUGE marshmallow!


We had a parking lot sale at Xavier's school in September. He was actually very well behaved. We made a fair amount of money though people thought my prices were too high. *shrugs* oh well. I thought that barely worn jeans for $10 and nice shirts for $3 wasn't bad and I've gotta get money to buy new clothes somehow. I let some things go for less than I had originally planned but I stuck to my guns on most of it. I'll find a way to sell the stuff somehow.

Hanging out in Daddy's car while at the sale.

New shirt I found at Goodwill for him. Needless to say he was excited.

Driving his car, in his Lightning shirt. This is the life.

Stunt driver.

Cars even are played with in the bath.

No lack for cars to play with.

Silly boy found the colander on the edge of the sink, took it down and said "Look. Hat."
Xavier's not shy or scared of characters. This was at a carnival his school had. Daddy took him to the carnival because mommy had to work.

Snowcone maybe? or it might have been lemonade or tea. I don't know. He was having fun though.

Bounce house!

This was the day we got my new car. There was a red sports car in the show room and he was OBSESSED. No. That's not the car we got.

Happiest kid in the world sitting in a real red sports car.

And me with my new car!

Cute boy blowing kisses at the camera while I was at work one Sunday.

Xavier decided he needed to take his "temur" (temperature)

I know, this is mostly supposed to be about Xavier, but I had my first night away since Xavier was born on October 3. I got to go see a play and spend the night with a friend in Nashville.

Goofy boy has been doing this lately. He will balance on two hands and one foot. Even though I was frustrated with him playing in the cat's water, he was having such a good time and was so cute I couldn't help but take his picture.

Taking a walk one day we stopped for a picture.

Big boy eating his "cereal. milk"
The couch is more comfortable with no cushion, right?

I was trying to get a picture of his shirt since this was a gift from one of my friends when he was tiny and he's just fitting into it now.

Finally got a picture.

Last weekend we went to Knoxville to visit Grandma Anna, Grandpa Tony and Aunt Em while Rob was doing a Magic event. Xavier saw these rides and wanted to try them. I was too cheap to actually put quarters in though. Each one was 75 cents!! And they probably lasted 30 seconds if that! He was perfectly happy to "ride" and drive without movement.

This one was his favorite though.

Big grin.

Playing with his new car he talked me into buying at dinner.

Grandma Anna has a Lightning PowerWheels too! Much bigger than his at home! He has to press a pedal to make it go. And he can go both forwards AND backwards!

Sadly he used it so much the battery ran out and the replacement didn't last long either. He had watched Aunt Em replace the battery by lifting the hood so he thought he would check to see if he could fix it himself.

He's been "smelling" things lately. I wish I could remember what he said the air washer "smells like" But he does this face when he's smelling things. It makes me crack up.

Big boy drinks his milk when he's finished!

What's this? Mud puddle? Must investigate!


Hmm. Yucky.

We finally got someone to come along and take out all the over growth. I tried to do what I could but it just was beyond what I had the tools and ability to do. I want to trim up the overhanging pine boughs that are obscuring the view in this picture. But really, the beds out front are much better. I'm going to put landscaping paper down and mulch down and hopefully it'll be easier to manage from now on. Especially since I'm doing more with the yard now.

Waiting at the doctor this morning for his follow up visit to see if his croup was better enough to go back to school tomorrow.

The waiting room has fish to look at.

Being daddy's work buddy!

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