Saturday, July 27, 2013

11 months week 3

This has been another big week. Learning things so fast! Getting so close to his birthday.

Sunday Xavier learned how to use a straw. I had gone out in the morning with him to look for some floaties to go swimming (Walmart was actually out...) and it ended up looking like bad weather so since there wasn't exactly what I was looking for anyway, I decided to just get breakfast to make the morning not a total waste. I have been slowly incorporating tea and coffee back into my life, and I wanted a McFrappe. When we got home I was holding Xavier and the drink at the same time and he kept leaning in like he wanted to suck on the straw. Up to this point, he hadn't actually done anything with a straw, just sat there with it in his mouth. So, being that I try to oblige him if it isn't going to hurt him, I went ahead and let him put his mouth on the straw. Imagine my surprise when I saw the drink start to go up and then little man smack his lips after he got a taste of my caramel icy goodness.

His original straw sippy cup was a "no spill" design so it has a valve with the straw and is quite frankly, pretty difficult. So I picked him up some straw cups that have no valve and he has been doing quite well with them. Drinking water some and even took milk at daycare with it.

Also, on Monday, I hadn't realized Rob would get dinner on his own, so Xavier and I went out to dinner ourselves and I got some loaded french fries. He kept acting like he wanted a taste so I put a little nacho cheese on my fork and he ate it. Then I tried a little tomato and he ate it and also some ground beef! No gagging or vomiting or anything. Definitely was a good week.

He has discovered the joys of playing in the cat dishes. Doesn't try to eat the food, of course, but plays in it and dumps it and splashes in the water dish. And he is so speedy with his crawling now! And he is mostly hands an knees crawling now.

Still doesn't stand unassisted and doesn't really walk even with holding his hands. He will cruise along furniture, walls, etc though.

Cuddles with Zelda

nappy naps

Hanging out in Daddy's office.

So. Long. And this is not comfortable for me. I don't know how hanging off my lap like that is comfortable for him, but he insists on it.

Waiting on me to come home. Rob said after he took this picture he showed it to Xavier and Xavier wanted to kiss himself. Such a sweet baby.

Yesterday making music while I was at work.

And naps. Look at those cheeks!!!

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