Wednesday, July 17, 2013

11 months!

11 months! Woohoo!

Sorry for the delay. My browser was having issues on Saturday and I honestly don't have time to write when I'm at home.

This week we learned how to climb the stairs. And man he got zippy with it! We discovered this new talent a week ago today (Wednesday.) I was getting ready for work because I leave at around 3pm on Wednesdays. I left Xavier in the kitchen and Rob was in the living room. I went upstairs to change clothes and get ready to go. The next thing I know I hear the bathroom door banging. I thought it was a cat but it kept on more persistently than a cat scratching itself or something like that. I peeked in the bathroom and there was a grinning baby boy. Normally whenever he had been on the stairs he had giggled as a little "tell" but he got to the point where he would do it silently. I'm sure it was a good workout for him, but gave me a little scare every time he did it and we didn't know about it. Luckily on Sunday we got a gate. The cats are getting some nice exercise (and relief!) by jumping over the gate.

Also, while it wasn't last week, Rob just today texted me to let me know that he has learned how to climb up onto the couch himself. His dismount is head down tuck and roll. I hope he doesn't break his neck or hurt his head. :(

Frustrating news last week as well. Daycare told me that it is state law to no longer allow breastmilk after 1 year. Said that they have to be on whole milk. A) what about kids with allergies. B) Why would the state be so adamant about that when it is actually recommended by health places (I think WHO is one) that breastfeeding is recommended until 2 years. So I started looking into it with help from my local La Leche League and it is actually allowed to continue to provide breastmilk in a cup after 12 months if there are written instructions. So I'm trying to find out how to get a letter from our pediatrician. I called on Monday but still haven't heard back. And, while I expected this answer it is still frustrating, "real food" is required in the 1 year olds rooms as well. We are working hard on getting Xavier to eat 'real food,' but it's still a slow process. Basically they won't have the manpower to work with feeding purees like a baby room does.

While not evaluated by his pediatrician yet, I fear that we will be facing some sort of therapy for him. I did some sensory play with him today (squirted some shaving cream on his highchair tray to let him play with and gave him some play-dough. Both under close supervision to keep him from eating them). He eventually got into squishing the shaving cream but it took a little bit and he wanted to eat it (maybe next time use whipped cream? Though not quite the same texture. Shaving cream is more firm.) The play-dough though he did NOT like. His face was all cringed up and he would only touch it with one finger and then pretty much just to try to roll it away from himself.

Because his current daycare has not said that they will accept a letter from his doctor to allow continued breastmilk, and also, even though they said they knew how and Rob and I both have instructed how to use the snapping cloth diapers, continually are using his onesie or shorts to hold his diaper on so he gets his clothes changed almost as frequently as his diaper, we are considering changing daycares. This along with the impending probable need for therapy and the cost associated with it, has caused us to look into going to what was previously my "second choice" because of an iffy "vibe" I got when I was looking into daycares previously. For a whole 5 day week they are $110, so for 2 days it'd be $44. Our current daycare is $90 for 2 days! So it'd be pretty significant savings. Unfortunately they have about a 6 month wait time. I'm hoping that only going 2 days a week they'll have an opening sooner than later.

Also, very blessed. My mom sent Xavier a bunch of touch and feel books and a friend with some little boys a bit older than Xavier had some that she brought over for him. He is LOVING the books.

Anyway... I guess that's probably enough words for one day (a week and a half's worth I guess!) Here's on to the pictures (and hoping that I have something to say on Saturday! haha)

Xavier's favorite way to look at books. With hands and feet. And he LOVES this book. It's not a touch and feel it has a kitten on the front which he likes to look at and giggle at. Yay for a Dolly's Imagination Library book!
More looking at a book.
11 month birthday. He was SO sleepy, but didn't want to go to bed. So I took these pictures trying to get a good 11 month picture.
cute new-to-us diaper and standing holding on to the fridge.

Cute new outfit from a friend. Also, epic Mommy Skills. Got him out of bed, changed his diaper, took off his old shirt and put him in this onesie and he was still asleep the whole time.

Furthermore, got him buckled into his car seat and even got TO daycare and he was still asleep. When I got him out at daycare he finally woke up.

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